More Drama!!!!
Hi All,
I tell you, I can not win for loosing!! At anyrate, everyone knows that I left last month and went to a Rehab for my Alcohol abuse. Before I left my job, I tried talking to HR about me leaving and because I had not been on the job 90 days yet, how was it gonna work.
Well HR tells me to talk with my Manager, which I did. He said he spoke with HR and they said because I did not qualify for Short Term Disability or FMLA there was nothing for me to fill out.
They said I just needed to bring documentation when I returned. Well, as my luck would have it, this is not the case. So for the last week and a half, I have been battling with them about weither or not they are gonna let me come back.
The HR Manager that my Manager was supposed to talk to said he never talked to her, as it turned out my Manager spoke with someone else in HR who is no longer with the company
Go go figure!!
The HR Manager said to me that I should have been informed that if I left and when I came back and brought documentation that because I was not eligable for anything that they would have to review the documents and then determine weither they would allow me back.
I said to her that was never made clear to me or I probably would not have left. A major factor in me feeling comfortable with my decesion to go to Rehab was the comfort in me knowing I had a job to return to.
At anyrate, that may have been GODS way of getting me to go and get the help I needed. So if I do not get to keep my job, I am ok with that.
Sorry for the long post, I just needed to vent.

Adrienne, remember that whenever one door closes God will open another. Be patient with the process and make sure that your recovery is not going to be affected. It is only a job, your life and that of your children is far more important. I would only suggest one thing, do not wait around for your job to make the decision, get out there and look for another one. This just might be what God had in His plan.
Good luck and chin up,