Question of the day...
Well, seeing as we just bought a new house in June, we're having a big shin dig at our house!!! Our son, his gf and our grandbaby, my folks, our daughter from California, our three kids that live at home and our chiropractor. Then the day after, we're ripping out all the Christmas decorations and going hole hawg!!! I can hardly stand myself!!!
I'm thousands of miles away from my nearest family and I'll be there for Christmas, but for Thanksgiving I'm staying here in Oregon. There are lots of us from work in the same situation (under 30, unmarried, no kids, miles away from our famlies) so about 20 of us are getting together to have a family-style thanksgiving.
I can't believe it's november already

As Dill from the movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" said, "I'm from Meridian, Mississippi."
Once again we will traipse back to our roots, and visit with my wife's family. None of my family lives there anymore. My wife has a large family and it more than makes up for none of mine being around. Traditional foods of course. My portions will be just like last year. A teaspoon of most and a tablespoon of my favorites.
But that's just because I practice what my Grandfather always said. "Eat your dessert first that way you make sure that you have room for it." Since he lived to be 100 it seems like a sound practice to me!
Our nearest family is in Jackson,MI. My hubby's uncle lives there. We try to spend the day with them. I get to make some yummy desserts this year. I will make my traditional coconut cake, but I will also make Apple Dumplings this year. I have a wonderful sugar free (I use Slenda) recipe that I will use for that. Otherwise all else is the traditional stuff with lots of SHOPPING after dinner and the next morning Bright & early.
I will cook just like I have for the last 10 years. No need to even think of the menu, it will be the same as always with the exception of some sugar-free desserts thrown in for me, my father & my mother in law who are all diabetic or post-wls (me). I am looking for a sugar free pumpkin bread recipe to fix, i've been craving that stuff! Pam