1 year post-op for Cristal M.!!!!
Hey there!
Today marks my 1-year post-op anniversary
, and I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown.
As I write this reflecting on all of the marvelous changes I've gone thru physically, emotionally and mentally, I am in awe.
I cannot take any of the credit because all the glory goes to Jesus Christ. 
I am thanking Him for giving me the opportunity to have this amazing surgery, being with me during my surgery and He continues to guide me on this journey. With that said, my husband David
also deserves a very heartfelt "Thank You".
He has been with me thru the whole thing. This man put up with me when I wasn't a very nice person to be around. He has cooked for me to make sure I was eating as I should and more importantly, he has been my biggest fan by being encouraging, complementary and so very proud of this accomplishment.
To date, I've lost 108 lbs, but gained so much. I am HEALTHY. My knees don't hurt, I don't feel lethargic and sluggish, and I don't wake up every morning feeling depressed and like a failure because of my weight. My confidence has increased, I am a better wife and mother and I've met some great people. I've also met some haters. Folks whom I thought were my friends, but have given me nothing but negative vibes.
I've learned not to worry about what others think about me; it's not my business.
This has been such amazing journey for me. I've had no complications, no sickness, and no pain. I will say that the further out you get, those food demons will try and rear their ugly head. 85% of the time I am able to fight them off, but that other 15%? Humph, humph, humph. Sometimes you just gotta give in!
I still plan my meals and eat well; focusing on protein, water and vitamins, but I love sweets and they are still a part of my diet. I do not count calories, but I concentrate on protein grams VS carb grams. I tolerate everything with no problem with the exception of soda.
My prayer is to maintain this weight for the rest of my life and remain healthy. I think one of the keys to being a success is holding yourself accountable and this awesome site helps you do that.
If you get a chance, please check out my pics; just click on the "www" button.
Thanks for sharing my joy!
Open RNY 10.20.04

Congratulations Cristal!
You have accomplished so much in one short year! I know that you are very proud of all that you have done for yourself. I'm proud of you and all of us! 

You and I are very blessed in the fact that our husbands have been very supportive through this journey. My husband loved me before the surgery, so things are even better, now! I'm so blessed and grateful, that God gave me the courage to have the surgery.
Life is so much better and easier than before. My body doesn't hurt when I move. I actually work out at Contours Express. I love exercise and sports! I hope that God will continue to bless us and watch over us. Your WL Sister, Jane