For those in doubt
After having a gastric stapling and needing to be converted to a Roux en Y I can say that after nearly 10 years I would do it all over again. Sure there are days that I have regrets with some pain from adhesions but that is little knowing that I am alive and get the opportunity to see my grandnieces to grow up as I have no children of my own. At this point in time I have gone from a whopping 425 to 215 as of this week. Now just a nip and a tuck would take a few more off I would think. I need a good plastic surgeon who might do some pro bono within Florida. I have Medicare and Medicaid as I am permanently disabled.
It is certainly well worth the post op pain and any other aggrevations. When my was done the support groups were not always available and if so there was quite a distance to get there. Lap procedures were not an option but a gift as it certainly decreases the OR time.
Congrats to those who have taken the step and good luck to those who are taking that step.
I am curious,......... you say that at this point you need a plastic surgeon to take more of the weight off...does that mean that you are at a point that its impossible to lose that excess weight? I dont understand but am really concerned about that there any sort of fix for the drooping skin? Is there no other hope besides plastic surgery? Lord knows I will not be able to afford that. So there has GOT to be something i can do when the time comes??!! If anyone knows, please email me. Thanks so much!! And congratulations on coming so far in your weight loss!! I am so impressed and hopeful!! Alicia