What is wrong with me?
Boy do I need a hug tonight. I am having some kind of emotional hormone overdrive tonight. I can not stop crying. I have been crying for days now. I have been crying over everything and nothing. I know I am on my period but I have never in my life had these kinds of hormones going on! And no I am not pregnant because I am on my monthly gig and I have an IUD. Where is this coming from? I feel like a walking wounded. I dropped my older daughter off at school today and started to cry because I can not believe she is completing second grade this week. My baby. I am crying right now. I hope this passes because I am really not myself. I know that you release extra stored hormones when you loose weight but hell did they all hold back and jump out of my system at the same time!!!
Thanks for letting me cry on all of your shoulders and my keyboard!
-103 and a hormonal mess

Sorry you are so emotional. I am not having this problem, but I want to send you a little hug!!
I was more emotional at 2 weeks. Hormones are probably responsible, they can do some weird stuff!
My baby just graduated kindergarten and I bawled all through the graduation! I have always been emotional!
Hang in there!
lap rny 10/13/03
Tanya, I am sending a huge hug your way! Feel my arms around you, a much smaller you, beautiful and happy! I am very familiar with the hormonal surges, my poor DH has now had to go through menopause 2x. I was not prepared the hormonal mess that accompanies this weight loss! Just look up and lean on Him when you feel down! This too shall pass, and you will be thin then also! YEAH, you! Smiling through your tears, LeeAnn
I walk everyday at work and recently I was walking and people were honking and yelling out thier windows to me "You go Girl" "keep up the good work" etc.. by the time I got back to work I was a mess from all the tears I think this surgery is alot more emotional on us then what people tell us before hand. Just reading your post made me feel better I now know that I am not the only one feeling like I need a strait jacket.
FYI... your hormones are stored in your fat and as your fat dissolves your hormones have nowhere to go and thus its like your on your period 90% of the time....
When I was doing the WLS research I found this info and so I expected it, but its a common occurrence post-operatively.
I man I work with had WLS a couple of months ago, and he was just asking me the same question (do you feel over-emotional and want to cry at times???)
So.... if it makes you feel better its not just something that happens to women who have WLS!!!
Also - you might find your quick to get angry too - this again is due to the hormonal changes.
These emotional moments tend to pass over time and thus when your weight stablizes so will your hormone level.
Good luck!!