Question about Dumping......
Hello October Buddies....
This is my first post!!
I just have a question! Do any of you get sleepy when you eat something you shouldn' much sugar...or carbs?????
I ate a whole order of potato locos from Taco Mayo plus a taco the other day and over did it big time. I was miserable and then felt so sleepy, I had to go lay down and slept for about 15 min. then I was fine. This is the only symptom I had. I have heard from a few others that it is a symptom of dumping...........I would like to hear your experiences.
Lap rny 10/13/03
Hi LaDena, Love your profile page! I try not to do the real sweet thing at all, I do sugar free pudding and popsicles and they satisfy me just fine. But on Mother's Day someone offered me a white chocolate covered strawberry. Can you say YUM!! So I decided to have it thinking, it is just a little white chocolate. When it hit my pouch I knew I was in for it. I got the feverish feeling and wanted to
, so I had to lay down for 30 minutes until it subsided. I know my pouch is definetly working for the good of my health. Because I hate that feeling so I will stay away from those things as much as possible. Blessings to you on your journey.

Hi LaDena,
This happens to me also when I eat too much sugar or over do it. It used to happen alot more in the begining but not as much now. I get really lazy and lay down for about 15-20 min and then Im fine again. I thought I was the only one experiencing this. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. lol. Anyway, I havent experenced it as much lately, maybe I learned my lesson! Take care!
Lap RNY 10/24/03
372/277 -95 lbs.
This is so weird for me too. I went to a seminar the other day. During the break they offered snacks. I had a yogurt (one I have had before), melon, a strawberry, and a sip of OJ. When I got back to the seminar I could hardly stay awake, then on the way home I felt it come on and had to stop. I had horrible diarea. I had to go to a mother/daughter luncheon then and it was hard to function. I wish I knew what caused it. I have had those things in the past. It makes me scared to eat anything in public. Mind you I still do!!! Just scared to. Karen