I ate chicken!!!!!
Hi all,
As I've posted recently and some have commented back to me on... I have problems keeping meat down. Everything from shrimp, crab, oily fish, beef and chicken. Tuna seemed to be the only thing I could reliably keep down.
Anyway, last night I was out with people from a support group and we went to Chili's. I decided to go ahead and try chicken again (though I was supposed to wait 2 more months... I'm sick of baby-ing my pouch!) So I split some chicken with another post-op patient. It was grilled but very very moist. I had one small piece which people at the table agreed was 1 oz. I ate it VERY slowly, and kept it down! I'm so excited! I'm going to continue to take it slow but I felt this was a major victory toward getting back into the meat-eating game!
I'll always love tofu, but it's hard to get vegatarian protein dishes when out at restaurants when you're avoiding meat. I'm happy!
Lap RNY 10/22/03
Congratulations!! Have you tried eating pork such as ham or sausage? Chicken has not been my friend, but pork I tolerate fairly well. I went on Vacation this past week and ate at several buffet bars and found that the oriental chicken in a glaze was pretty easy going down. Good luck.
Marilyn 362/278