Soda pop is not good for us...
I love my diet pop, but I've noticed that I can eat more than usual when I drink it. So, I asked my surgeon about it. He said that the carbonation stretches the stomach and intestine to allow more food consumption. Needless to say, as much as I love my pop, I love my new body even more, so I only drink it when I go out to a restaurant. My surgery buddy cannot drink pop, because it causes her discomfort. I wish I felt discomfort when I first tried it.
So, if you haven't tried the carbonated drinks, yet, don't. It's not worth it.

I wonder why it is that surgeons seem to have different opinions on this topic. Some say never... mine says after 6 months... the doctor that OH uses on the chats (Dr. Simpson) says that it doesn't stretch anything because we can burp. Personally, I'm looking forward to 4/23 so I can have a diet cherry limeade from Sonic
It sure is