Biggest Joy, Biggest Regret
OK folks. I have a question. What is your biggest joy and what is your biggest regret?
My biggest joy is seeing the shock on the people's faces who haven't seen me in a long time.
My biggest regret is first of all not getting this surgery sooner. Next is the fact that now that I am only 25 pounds overweight I still have issues. I am so proud of myself for loosing so much weight, but I am self consious about my skin. Like Rosanna Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always something." Karen
Karen,Like many others my biggest regret is waiting so long to have the surgery.
One of my biggest joys came this past week when visiting relatives a guy I hadn't seen since having the surgery didn't recognize me.He thought my husband was stepping out on me and confronted my brother in law, only to find it was still me on my husbands arm.
My next biggest joy is being able to enjoy life with out being tired and depressed all the time because of the extra weight.
RNY Distal 10/27/03 -85lbs
My biggest joy is the ability to be an "active" mother to my two children (13yrs old & 2 yrs old). To be a 'stunning, head-turning, jaw-dropping, drop-dead, gorgeous wife.' And to lessen my joint pains.
My Regret is that I had allowed myself to get so big and 'out of control.'
But that is behind me and LIFE is here!
Hi Karen, Great question! My greatest joy is that I am no longer diabetic or have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, I am so blessed to have my health back. I will have to add to that the joy that comes when I see peoples mouths drop open cuz they haven't seen me in a while and they are amazed how different I look, truely priceless!!!
My biggest regret is that I am dissappointed that I let me body go to waste like that for so many years.
I am thankful to have a second chance for a better life that is for sure.
Blessings to all of you!
Good question.....My biggest joy is : Having the guts( hahaha
...get it!) to have this surgery, finding this wed site, and getting my health back! Regrets would be: Not having the control on my own to do somthing about my weight,and losing my freckin HAIR!( It better come back thick and beautiful).~Renita

Hello everyone,
My biggest joy is losing lots of weight and feeling so much healthier now. My biggest regret is allowing myself to become an overweight person all of those years. Not to mention, I have one regret from the surgery. I fear all the time that I will not lose anymore weight. I still feel very much connected to food especially now that I have my appetite back. I wished to never be hungry or have an appetite after this surgery.

Thanks for asking such a great question Karen! I agree with you, my biggest joy right now is being able to cross my legs, tie my shoes, reach my feet(see my feet!), and fit into booths. Simple pleasures of life enjoyed by thousands but never by me for very long.
My biggest regret is that I got into this mess to begin with. If I had paid attention to the exterior, I don't know. We all have to walk with the choices we made, and I made some incredibly bad ones and then rationalized them through health problems, that were made worse by my choices. LeeAnn
Hey Karen, Congratulations! WOW! Only 25lbs. to go. I've lost 121lbs., but I still have 90lbs. to go. My biggest joy is being able to play, hug, and be active with my kids without being in pain. Also, I can go to a ballgame, or the Symphony with my husband, and not worry if my rear-end will fit in a seat! It's funny that you should mention, "skin". I could take flight and fly with the extra skin that I have, now. But you know what? WHO CARES! We did this so we could feel healthy and live our lives, not just be an observer. Whenever I start looking at the "wings" that I have, I remind myself that it doesn't matter, because I feel great! When I get down to within 10-15 lbs. of my goal weight, I can get the wings, clipped. So until then, I will just enjoy the good health and happiness that my life is full of, now.
Good Luck! Jane