My brother was scheduled to WLS surgery today. Dr. Yancey cancelled it because his blood pressure was VERY HIGH. (Good Doc). However its like he's back one step, and working very hard to get that pressure under control enough to have the surgery. What can he do to get it down enough to have surgery next week. Has anyone out there experienced this. PLEASE GIVE US is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...God Bless
Hi Eva I am sorry that your brother is going through this but I don't know anything that he could do to get his blood pressure down. Maybe he can relax that always helps. Also he needs to make sure that they are using a big cuff to take his blood pressure because if they are using a cuff that is to little then they could be getting an inaccurate reading. I hope this helps.
My advice would be to tell him to stay away from salt for the week-- none whatsoever!!!! The next thing is when he goes to have his blood pressure taken to psych himself up ahead of time. Sit quietly before they take it and to think of sitting in a fishing boat surrounded by water or sitting on a beach watching the waves in his mind. I used to work for a doctor and it is a known fact that a person's b/p will be higher when they see the doctor, but I used to have the patients try this and it usually worked.
So sorry his surgery was cancelled. I almost had the same thing happen to me. Went to see the surgeon 6 days before the scheduled surgery and was told blood pressure was too high and I would not have surgery unless it came down. I have been on Atenelol for years. I got in to see my PCP the next day and told her the situation. I was also retaining water at the time. She put me on Diavan along with the Atenelol. I bought a blood pressure cuff and monitored my pressure at home and recorded everytime I took it and what it was (PCP suggested this as there is a known syndrome of White Coat high blood pressure-just being in the Dr.'s office makes blood pressure go up) and I took this record with me when I went to the hospital on the day of surgery. Luckily for me the added drug lowered my pressure to within reasonable limits and the surgery was done.
I am still taking the Atenelol but my PCP says if/when my pressure gets in the 120's that I probably can stop taking it (am currently just above 140).
Good luck with your brother. What an awful disappointment it was for him.
Keep his chin up and I am sure with some help from above all will go well for him.