Hungry yet?
Last night I had the STRANGEST feeling hit me. It was so weird I wasn't even sure what it was....then I realized what it was....I actually felt HUNGRY! I haven't felt hungry since the morning of 10/31/03. Mind you today, I do not feel that way. It was just so weird, so alien to me. I know we won't keep the "hungries" away forever, but it was such a shock.
Has this happened to you and if yes....WHEN!
RNY 10/31/03
Yep, I had the first hunger pangs about 3 wks ago---I had my surgery on 10-23-03--I had the ***I'm starving feeling***--then after eating a few bites of protein (chicken) the feeling of being satisified was back! Phew!! It scared me for a moment---I never want that insationable hunger to ever come back.

Yes... they're baaaaaack! I had my surgery on October 13th, 2003. I had my first actual "hungry feelings" about 3-4 weeks ago. It felt so odd! My doctor told me they'd come back. I read an article from the magazine published by this site that said to eat a bite or two of undercooked rice or slightly undercooked pasta with meals to make the small meal "stick with you" longer. Also, they suggested drinking a small glass of water as fast as you can to get that "full" feeling back. When I feel hungry and it's not time to eat I drink something like a diet soda or Crystal Light. That usually does it for me.