Dressing Room Drama!
Oh how excited I was today. I picked up another 2 pairs (that is 4 in 2 days) of shoes!
I also went in search of a hot pink shirt to go with my sexy hot pink strappy numbers. Well, I found one. I picked up a 12, then a 10 and finally the 8 fit me PERFECTLY! OMG, I about sh*t a brick! I was so excited. I decided NOT to get the shirt because I won't be able to wear it for another month or so (sexy shoe season is not in for my state right now) and figured I'd wait and get it a size smaller then!
I was so happy. A size 8 me, single didgets, how and when did that happen. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be me. Now I'm wondering what size I really will end up being. I don't really want to lose anymore than 31 pounds maximum. I'm actually shooting for 143, and 150 for the docs request.
Just wanted to share the moment. It was such a good one!