Aprils Goal is?....
Hi Karen,
I'm actually moving to Portland Or. I was out there back in 2000/2001 for 5 months on temporary assignment and now finally feel well enough to take the plunge and get out there for good! I love the Pacific NW!
No kids though, just me and my 2 furballs (cats). No husband and leaving the boyfriend behind here in Ma. I am trying to find a good surgeon in Portland for follow-up, trickier than I thought it would be!
Hope you're having good weather! We're currently 37F and RAIN! blah!
My april goal is to get below 235 (241 now), to makes sure I continue to exercise at least 6 times per week, and to make sure I get my 100oz of water daily. My last goal is to continue to thank God for giving me this gift and to help anyone I can to get thru the insurance process!
241 and holding (I love being a woman and having a period that puts my weightloss at a standstill!) (oh and I love the darm cramps too!!)