What if it doesnt work!

Nancy S.
on 12/10/03 12:54 pm - Wilmington/Sabina, OH
Six weeks post-op and I can eat almost anything. I don't get sick, don't get nauseous. And it seems like I can eat and drink more than I should be able to fit in my little stomach. What if it's not little enough? Can it stretch? I am scared! This surgery is my last hope, and if it fails I'll just die. I have lost 37 pounds, but have been stuck there since the day before Thanksgiving! What if this is all I lose? I feel like I am at my "failure point". The most I have ever lost is 40 lbs, which I gained back in less than a year. Did I go through all of this, to find that I still have to diet and fail like all the times before? Someoone, PLEASE, tell me this is normal! Nancy
on 12/10/03 1:03 pm - Orangevale, CA
I have been worried about the same thing! I am 6 wks post op and can eat anything (including sugar- although I haven't pushed it too far to see how much sugar I can eat). I also can eat more than I expected to, and have to fight the urge to graze. I have lost 28 lbs, which seems like a lot until I compare it to how much others have lost at 6 weeks. I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. I am hoping he will tell me this is all normal! Janice
Tonya W.
on 12/10/03 1:16 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I had my surgery on 10/7, I went from 260 to 220 (give or no don't take by the time of day). I look at the weight planner and listen to others. I did not make the weight I had set on the planner. I worked hard at it too. I listen to people as far out as me who have lost so much more. I think it is because they started out heavier. That's the story I tell myself anyway. I haven't pushed it much, but I have not gotten sick by passing my limits. Just do like me and consider it a plateau. It too shall pass. Even if you do get discouraged. I know I do. Good Luck.
Jackie P.
on 12/11/03 12:27 am - College Station, TX
Nancy, I'm right there with you. From what I read most people go through this feeling of "what if it won't work?". I think I can eat more than I should be able to, but compared to what I ate before... OMG, how can I not be losing weight? I have only lost 25 lbs since the day of surgery... 32 total (7 the week before). When I do the weigt loss projection charts.. it says that I may only get to 213 if I continue to lose at this rate. That is depressing. 213 from 310 is good, but I'm not satisfied with the rate that I'm losing. I'm keeping track of my foods on fitday.com and I'll be taking it to the doc and nutritionist for advice. Good Luck, Jackie
on 12/11/03 5:32 am - WI
I had my 6 week check up today. I thought for sure I had lost 50 pounds (according to the scale at work). Turns out I have only lost 34. I am a little disapointed. But then I feel so much better so 34 must be good? Right? I am going to up my exercise (I just started on Monday) and see if I can jump start this weight loss thing! I don't know though -- I agree this is enough to totally freak me out!
on 12/12/03 3:20 am - WI
Also -- I stopped losing weight for 3 weeks. I have started losing again. Give it some time. According to my Dr. he says that we tend to lose a lot of water weight in the beginning and then our body gains some of the water weight back and LOSES some "real" weight. It may seem like a plateau but it probably really isn't. He says to go by how your clothes are fitting and how you feel. Don't worry Nancy -- I think everything sounds normal. I came across a really interesting document called "Pouch Rules for Dummies". Have you read that yet? It talks about the differences in pouch sizes from 3oz to 9oz and that there is not a significant difference in the amount of weight lost between either. I have the document in a Word file. Let me know if you haven't read it and I will paste it into an email for you! Sharon of Minnesota
Amy Y.
on 12/13/03 6:41 am - Augusta, GA
Nancy, girl, I hear ya! I'm six weeks post-op, myself, and while at first I didn't feel like eating much of SQUAT, I'm now finding myself grazing on low-fat Wheat Thins and Triscuits, and my mom's traditional Christmas time party mix. Difference is, I eat too much and it DOES make me sick...Bloated in the chest to the point that I sometimes have to make myself throw up to relieve the pain. It's frustrating as hell (pardon my French!). This has only been going on the last two weeks or so, and I just got my period (what FUN! *l*) today, so I'm hoping all the grazing was related to my standard PMS symptoms. I've always ate like a pregnant woman during my PMS time. Strange cravings, the need to eat a lot, etc. I, too, fear stretching my little pouch, 'cause I know that repeating vomiting CAN do that over time, as well as inflame the opening to the stomach. I'm just really trying to up my protein intake (since I know that makes you feel full faster and for a longer period of time) and drink TONS AND TONS OF WATER, which I do anyway. I LIVE off water nowadays. Can't exist on Crystal Light and Diet Sprite alone! *l* Just know, sweetie, that there are MANY of us out there going through the same thing - and we'll all be here for ya! Love and prayers, Amy, Open RNY, 10/22/03, Down from 402lbs to 347lbs. Hooray!!!
Kelly R.
on 12/16/03 8:07 pm - Petoskey, MI
I was stuck after Thanksgiving for almost three weeks, then this week I have lost 8 pounds, lord knows why. . .hang in there.
amber A.
on 1/7/04 10:19 am - west warwick, RI
Hi Nancy! I know exactly how you feel only i could eat almost anything like 2 weeks post op!!! I tried not to but it's VERY hard! I have only gotten sick like 3 times and that was because I ate too fast. I am going on 10 weeks post op and have lost about 41 pounds. I haven't lost anything in atleast a week in fact i gained 4 pounds! I don't understand it....I am trying my hardest... i joined curves for women and have been doing that for 2 weeks atleast 4 times a week and nothing!!! This is very frustrating but we can make it through this. If we all support each other than it will make things easier(I hope).
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