6 weeks post-op
6 weeks post-op and almost 30 lbs lighter. It's still a challenge not to eat & drink at the same time - but getting easier with each day. Grilled (George Foreman) Chicken is hardest to digest I think - and finding a calcium citate pill with more than 315 mg each is a mystery. Let me know if anyone has any info on this. I try to supplement my diet with the Adkins ready to drink shakes, since they have a whopping 20 grams of protein! Other than that, I am so glad I had this surgery -- feeling lighter all the time!
Hello! Welcome to post-op. My surgery was on 10/16. I am also having (just recently) eatting issues. Meaning no appetite and nausea. But what I really wanted to tell you about was a new calcium supplement that is 500mg. calcium plus viatamins a & d, and these things taste just like KRAFT CARAMELS! THEY ARE DELICIOUS! They come in chocolate and caramel flavors. They are the same texture as the Kraft caramels and I swear, they taste just the same too! Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck with your new tummy!
I'm about 7 weeks out and I take calcium citrate chewable wafers. They are 400mg each and I chew 2 a day. They are put out by a company called Twinlab. I was very lucky that a friend of mine knew about a place called The Pill Hut in Baraga, Mi. They cost $15.00 a bottle and theres 60 in a bottle. But I also get my B-12's that dissolve up there and they are like $7.50 for 320. They carry so much I need and adkins products too. They do mail order, but no credit cards. They are Mendonite's and when I need something and don't have the time to go up the road 55 miles, I call and they send it and a bill, or I can even send a check made out to them and they send what I ordered, plus shipping and an itemized statement. They have a catalog, which I can't seem to find right now but if you want the address I can look for it.
Good luck,