7 Days
By this time Next Week I'll be recuperating from my WLS. 7 days sure seems like an awful long time to wait, but what is a week? 7 days until I finally can put the anxiety behind me and carry on with my newfound youth. It's been 7 Days since I started myself on a self imposed soft food diet and you know what? I'm still living. This is not the end of the world but a rebirth. 7 days my family will come together and rejoice at the successful completion of this procedure. How I wish I was all fit and trim. The final tool I need is In 7 days.
These are thoughts I had as I woke up this morning and wanted to share with my AMOS family. I wish I could say I see light at the end of the tunnel but I always have seen it. Having this procedure is just the final tool I need to allow me to lose and more importantly maintain weight loss. I will lose 1 pound at a time and each pound lost will be a milestone for me in that I know they'll never come back. I know this because I won't allow them to. Already I have seen and done more things that I ever have in over 20 years and I will continue to see things as if they were brand new and will share my love for life all the more with my family, friends, and assoiciates. Right now though, My wife tells me I gotta rake the leaves. Have a Great Smiling Day.

Well Don 7 days does seem like a long time however surely worth the wait...i myself am waiting for surgery which is 11/4...appears we have all had the same ride on this emotional roller coaster...Good luck to you and your family....and Hey once you get done raking leaves there at home wanna come to Florida and take care of mine too?....giggles
Patty Rodriguez