Was/Is Anyone a smoker prior to surgery? Help!
My surgery is coming up on the 22nd, and I'm really starting to freak out over the fact that I've not been able to quit smoking. Best I've been able to do is cut back, and I know that isn't enough. My PCP even gave me a nicotine lollipop to use, and still - no dice. Anyone who's ever been a smoker knows how powerfully addictive cigarettes are. It's just awful.
I really need to hear from some folks who won't judge me because I'm a smoker that hasn't had the "willpower" to quit ("willpower"??? HA! If I had willpower, I wouldn't be needing WLS! *lol*). Is there ANYONE out there who smoked before surgery, and who has some nonjudgmental advice I could use? Like I said, I've cut back a good bit, and I've stopped taking my daily Sudafed 12-hour decongestant (not prescribed; I have allergies, so I use Sudafed to relieve my nasal stuffiness) so that I can cough up any "junk" NOW and hopefully get a lot of it up before the big day. And NO MATTER WHAT, I have promised myself that 24 hours before surgery I will NOT smoke a single cigarette, even if I have to sit on my hands all day and chew on my lips! I read an article or two about obstaining from smoking at least 24 hours prior to surgery so that no carbon monoxide is in the bloodstream at the time of the procedure.
ANY advice/words of wisdom/reassurances would be greatly appreciated!!

I was a smoker but quit "cold turkey" about 7 months before I had the surgery and I smoked for almost 25 years, since I was 17. I knew I ABSOLUTELY had to. My surgeon will not operate on pop drinkers or smokers, and from I know and have seen highly consider him one of the best. I will tell you honestly I have had a couple of packs the weeks before surgery, it took a horribly long time to get approved and I used it as a crutch. But I knew I had to quit for life, and for recuperation. Your body will not heal as fast, and while your in the hospital you can't smoke. YOU HAVE to tell your doctor your still smoking so they can have the patch for you, otherwise your heart rate will soar and it will make is VERY difficult to breathe and walk, walking is key once you have the surgery. I've smoked one cigarette since surgery and it tasted so gross, the first few weeks I was fighting just to breathe when I walked, it was silly to waste the only breath I had on a cigarette. Smoking inhibits your healing severely. You have so much to concentrate on after the surgery, making sure you get enough liquids making sure you quit before you eat, and not drinking for an hour after surgery. I threw up into the third week, had a couple episodes od dumping by me being stupid. Cigarettes were the last thing on my mind. There are some people who simply can't quit, they enjoy it too much. Mentally, if you can fight the battle, if I continue to smoke the quality of my life will deteriate, I won't heal as fast, its a crutch and I am getting rid of the weight crutch. But doing two things at once is kind of disruptive. If you can't quit now, think about it for the long run don't set yourself up for failure. I figure I save about $600 every month between buying cigarettes and buying food. Think about it that money can go for a new wardrobe. Good luck!!
Amy, my surgery is 10/22 also. I stopped last Nov because I was admitted to the hosp with COPD and Asthma. I knew then that I wanted this surgery and that I had heard that you had to stop before surgery so I figured it was a good time to stop. I used candy canes and sucked on them and could also hold them like a cig , I truely believe this is what helped me the most. Also I started doing things with my hands --I started cross-stitching again and also crocheting afghans. I have finished 4 afghans and several cross-stitch pictures. I know that smoking henders the healing process--I found that out the hard way when I had my upper teeth pulled, my gums still are not right; and I sure did not want to take the chance with my guts not healing properly. You can do this, just think how bad you want the WLS and some doctors will not operate if you have not stopped smoking and besides that, there is more possibility that you would end up with a tube down your throat and I know you dont want that. Okay girl, you can do this!! You did not come this far and jump thru all the hoops to be turned down because of a cig.
Good luck and lots of huggs coming your way...Marilyn
It was a long time ago (20 yrs.), but I quit when I had a session with the guy who wrote this book :
"Cure Your Cravings: Learn to Use This Revolutionary System to Conquer Compulsions" by Yefim Shubentsov.
Walked in smoking 4 packs a day. Walked out and haven't smoked since. Amazon.com has it, but you should be able to get it locally. It might help.
I'll be thinking of you since I'm having my surgery on the same day.
Good luck and best wishes for an uneventful and painless surgery.
hi amy - i tried quitting before the surgery twice - i also cut it done to two ciggs a day for the month beforehand. the plan was to quit thirty days before but it didn't work that way. i smoked one cigg the day before. do not smoke the day of the surgery this is what the doctor told me.
i am fine for now just left craving ciggs now - but smoke free.
Amy, I have smoked for 28 years and it was'nt until my surgeon told me that "Obesity is the number two killer, do you know what the number one is"? For some reason, him putting it to me like that and reminding me that I am having this "WLS" to improve my life while prolonging it . I had to put it to myself like this, honestly, I have smoked for 28 years and been MORBIDLY OBESE for most of that time, now I choose to have this surgery knowing that it will change every part of my life as I now know it, so I am okay with giving up alot of the foods which I have grown to love for so long(my best friends), and I choose to be completely healthier. Quitting is not easy!! The risks of complications with this surgery incease with smoking. (don't be fooled) Ask yourself, WHAT WON'T YOU DO FOR YOU??...This is not entended to be judgmental at all. Smoking has no PRO's, all CON's.