oct 8th I'll be a loser
Lori, For me the feelings of both and excitement and fear have been present alot. Talking with the people in this group has really helped alleviate some oof the fear and now it's more excitement for me. I'll be having my surgery on the 22nd of this month. Try not to focus on the risks or the fears that you have. Try to focus on the life you have ahead of you and all the good things that can come from your healthier new self. That is what I have been doing anyway. Good Luck and God bless you, may you have a safe and speedy recovery.
Angela Garrison
Lori, I am very sure you are scard. I am not having surgery till Nov. 14th and I'm scard and sure to get even more scard as time gets closer! Then I think of how scard I am to go on with life as it is. You have nothing but good to come from this, a new life!.. A week after you will be telling everyone how glad you did this! I have 3 very good friends that have had this done this past year. I have sat back watching all the changes in them, one lost 99 lbs. in 6 months, one lost 69 lbs. in 4 months and the other is 56 at 3 months. As scard as I am, I want my turn! PRAYERS for you! Please keep me posted on how you are doing, best wishes!...