My surgery is scheduled for 10/10/03. I teeter between being so happy and excited that I can hardly breath to being so scared and anxious that I can harldy breath! I have been trying for 3 years to get this surgery and it's finally here. I am really very happy and really very nervous. My husband and entire family are supportive as well as most of the people I work with. The others are expressing their concern but I know God didn't bring me this far to let something awful happen now.
Before I got a date, I couldn't understand why it was taking so long and everything was going wrong. Now I know it was the hand of God all along. If I had had this surgery before I worked for this company for 5 years, I would have only received 66% of my weekly salary. Now that I've got my 5 years in, I get 100% of my pay. Truly, God knew we would not have made it financially at 66% of my salary. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, who are thee called according to His purpose.
Please pray for my family, Dr. Fabito and the entire staff at St Alexius Hospital and me!