Surgery date October 22 2003
O h m y g o s h , October 22 is SOOOOOOOOOO far away. I am happy that everything went so easy with the insurance company. I just can't wait til I get this surgery. I am 240 lbs at 5"4'. I know I am going to look good after this surgery and feel good too. I know your thinking (she is being conceited) but I am going to be as positive as possible about this surgery. Before I turned 18 I had a very nice figure and I wasn't even a grown woman yet or fully developed. I can imagine what is hiding under all this fat. My hubby thinks I am going to leave him. He is a great man and I dont know why he made that statement. I feel like this ... my husband loves me the way that I am. I met him when I was a bit smaller but he never changed as I gained weight. We have had our issues like most other people in a marriage and it does get hard at times depending on the situation but no matter what we are making it and it has made us stronger. When alot of women get the wls they leave their husbands. Not to say they shouldn't but I am sure there are some who left for the wrong reasons. Such as all the new attention from other men. What they fail to realize is this ... those same men did not give them a second look while they were fat and unattractive and that is going to leave a ? in the mind as the relationship develops. Would this same man got with me if I was still morb. obese? So to all the women out there who are having problems with their husbands now that they are small please keep in mind, your body has changed drastically, your personality and ways may change somewhat also, and your husband may have some insecurities, but it is your place as a wife to do whatever is in your power to let your hubby know everything is going to be ok. Small advice from me a 26 yr old only 7 yrs with my husband. I may not be exactly right about this issue but atleast consider it.
Anywaaaay ... still waiting for Oct 22 .. does anybody have a time machine I can borrow, I promise I'll give it right back
Tina T...

Tina im so glad you got your date and believe me i know how ya feel mine is Oct 2 at 8:30 in little rock ar. I feel like it will never get here---but it will we now have more time to prepare.....and amen on the rest of the stuff ive been married 15 years and im proud of my man and he has loved me through fat skinny hard and easy and for that im grateful. i just wanna be something he will be proud of . and I am aslo 5'5 but i weight 252.