I'm sooooooooooo depressed
On May the 12 it will be two years since i had my surg. I've lost 144 pounds, My weight was 407 and now 263 and i ca'nt lose any more im so depressed. I read were everyone else has lost so much. My doctor told me when i had the surg. that he couldn't get my stomach as small as he won'ted because of the quick that did my herna surg. in 94. so maybe thats it. I was going to call him and tell him i need a revison on my rny. i dont know i guess i need to quit coming to the web site. but i enjoy the web site so muck. HElllllllllllllllp
I need

Stephanie- Don't give up hope and you don't have to stop coming to the web site. For all sense and purposes your surgery has been a success..you've lost 144# (probably more by now!). I haven't been on this site in about 1 1/2 years. I had my surgery in Oct. 02 and i lost a total of 130#, putting me at goal at 132#. Now I weigh 152# and i guess i'm feeling a little depressed myself because i'm gaining weight and i'm scared that i can't stop it, even though i know better. My point is that maybe you (and ME) need to do something to jump start our systems again. I'd be more than happy to talk with you if want. Hang in there. Laura
You are a winner! Have you lost 144 pounds ever before in your life? I had my RNY in October 2002. I lost 100 lbs and then gained 25 back. I went to my surgeon in February 2005 and he got me back on track. Only protein for me now. I have lost 45 lbs since February.
I had neglected this site myself in the last 2 years. Now I visit regularly and it really helps. Support is so important on our journey!
Hang in there and put a smile on your face. You have done well and you will do even better. Get yourself back eating what you should and get in the exercise!
Every day is a choice. I struggle every day to eat right and make good decisions. It is worth it but it is still hard!
I wish you only the best.
Susan Heidinger
October 7, 2002
In reply to wanting to lose more weight. I have the oppsite problem. I have lost 140 lbs and having problems holding my weight on. I am in a size 2 -4 petite now at 110 lbs. My primary care Doctor wants me gain weight. I have diabetes and I go high like 300 after I eat and drop to HYPOGLYCEMIA below 70 . Usually 32. Where I had my surgery kaiser said that I have a condition that only happens to one in a million RNY gastric bypass pations. They have someone in the hospital with this right now. Food is like posion to my system. Once I start eating the roller coaster ride begains. I have to set my alarm clock to eat every two hours. I can't eat anything with sugar in it or I will pay the consquinses
I have already had the ambulance take me out of my home once already.
I have to carry food with me where ever I go. I have to have a flash light to go to the movies. Their is no warning when I drop low except me going numb all over. They are telling me the only thing I can eat is protein and a limited amount of vegatables. No salads or soup. My pouch can get down a small bowl of soup not cream soup either. I can eat salad with tomatoes and chicken on it . They are telling me no more salad. chicken only. Guess what I need to gain weight not lose more. My problem is my blood sugar. I can't even go on the diabetes diet picking foods out of the
3 foods group. They didn't do brain surgery on me. !!!! Anyway I am here to tell you that living like this is just has hard trying to keep the weight on. I was hoping this surgery would put my diabetes in remission but has only made it worse. I even have night mares about not waking up after going to bed. I have had several attacks with low blood sugar in bed at night and my husabnd has to keep a close eye on me. It is hard on him because he has sleep apena and has a breathing machine on. I was told this is not dumping. My hole system is screwed up and my body isn't handling food very well. The Doctors are now saying I may have to go on inslin shots when I eat. They may have to put me into the hospital for a week to figure out how to help me
Its not showing up on the AIC test either. My body is making too much insulin to try and take care of the food I do eat which is not enough to make me gain weight. I am struggling to hold on to what I have. I just got out of the hospital from a major hernia repair and tummy tuck . I was on insulin the whole time I was in their. I also dropped into dangerous lows. I will be headed down to
see specialist at South San Francisco and the Bariatric team members soon. Does anyone out their have this problem ?
sincerely Ilene Petty
I take effexor XR for anxiety and depression. I was told this works best for anxiety with depression. My Mother passed away and I was crying all the time. This medication works the first time you take it. It goes directly
to your brain to release good endorphins . My tears stopped intermediate.
My husband knows if I missed my medication when he comes home from work.Its EFFEXOR XR 37.5 I only take one pill a day not two.

I was just reading your post and looked at your profile, but didn't see any updates. I sure hope you are doing OK.
I have a similar problem to yours. It is called reactive hypoglycemia(sp).
Anyway, if I eat anything other than protein, then about an hour or so after I eat, my blood sugar**** rock bottom. I don't have the problem with the high blood sugars though, so we are a little different. I thought I would just share that you are not alone.
I feel you pain Hun!!!
Hi Ginger:
I just read your profile hoping you mentioned more about your hypoglycemia but you didn't. I am just beginning to have some problems and wanted to see what others are doing about it. I had surgery 16 months ago and have just started getting the strange feelings about 2 hours after I eat. Not sure what they are yet but it sounds like so many have called reactive hypoglycemia. Hope you can give me some information.