Today is my Anniversary
Today is 6 years that I had my RNY by Dr. Stainly Klein in Torrance Ca. I have lost about 160 lbs, still struggle with a few lbs here and their, but who am I to complain. I actually have a few size 8's in my closet and I even tried on a pair of jeans the other day that were 6. My feet are bigger then that!!! I guess comming from a size 28 1/2 that is a big deal. Life for me has changed alot. 3 years ago, I took a leap of faith, moved from L.A. to Phoenix for a man(oh my), good news is, we are newlyweds since November 1st,
. I was 2 months before my 48th birthday and this was my first marriage and my first true love. I am so glad I waited for Mr. Right and not just Mr. Right Now. Life as I know it over the past 6 years has changed so much. I have had the highs and lows, but nothing compares to life as a 312lb person who was just existing from day to day, eating my self to death. I have to keep being reminded that I am not the same big person because some people will say, you are so little I cant beleive you were ever that fat. That word little was never uttered in my life as it related to me. Some things even 6 years later are still foreign to me. I guess I was fat for so many years that it may take that long to get use to this way of life. I actually still find myself over compensating for space and slamming my hip into something. I guess when I was fat, I always had to figure out how I was going to slip past things. I feel so fortunate to have been so blessed to have this surgery and to have had the experiences that I have had. I still have my ups and downs, life is life, but the one thing I dont have to worry about anymore is "Am I going to die soon from all this weight" While I dont log into the support system very often, its nice to know that its here. I wish all who are waiting for surgery good luck, please make sure you have a very very experienced surgeon and all who have had it, I hope you are well and happy in your new body. There are also some of us out their that still struggle with our weight even with the surgery and I say, hang in their and remember how you felt at your lowest weight. No matter what weight we are, we are loved.....
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