I'm nervous!

Mina M.
on 7/19/03 4:35 am - Opelika, Al
I was supposed to have my surgery in August, but I changed surgeons and now I can't have my surgery until December. I know that does'nt sound like a big setback, but it feels like a HUGE let down to me---HELP!!!
Jodi L.
on 7/20/03 3:31 am - Dover, NH
I can understand you frustration!! It seems like this journey takes forever. The one thing that helped my deal with the time issue was that it took me 34 years to get to the weight I was, and if it took 10 months to a year to start loosing it forever--that wasn't a bad setback. Things truly happen for a reason--you usually don't know why until after--but think of December as the beginning of the new you and your new future. Take care, Jodi
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