Another October person

S Mo
on 5/28/03 7:18 am - Over Yonder, near God's Country, MN
Has anyone else found that while we love what we've done, we miss the "old" days? I miss sleeping til noon. I miss being a slug. My body refuses to sleep past 7:30 in the morning. My body wants to run, and jump and play and move and my head is trying to figure out what went wrong? When did my body defy me? Was it because I lost 104 pounds and counting? Is it because I no longer live my life in a shell or a bubble made of food? Will my head ever give in to the demands of my body? ;) Sure is nice of my body to give me back a life, though, I gotta tell ya. October 4, 2002 ... -104 and counting... Love you all ... Peace @}----------Shanna
on 5/28/03 1:48 pm - Montgomery, AL
OMG, I feel the same way!!!! I have been on vacation all week, with plans of sleeping late and being a slug. It hasn't happened, and I feel like I need to go back to work to get some rest!!
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