Has it been that long?????
Here I am around 160 lbs lighter and feeling so much better, I just can't believe it has been almost 2 years........ Thank goodness I have done really well with this surgery.
I am wondering if some of you can let me know what type of diets you are now following. I am still following closely my 1 year and I know I need to eat more........
I hate to drive from WV to OH this year since money is so tight..... Can you guys help a fellow OCT graduate out.
Hi Tonya and everyone!
I don't really follow a specific regiment per say because my surgery made me dislike the foods that I am not supposed to eat! The main thing that helps me is to make sure I eat often. I love fruits and vegetables, and I am actually lactose intolerant now, so I am not tempted by alot of dairy products. I actually digest beef better than chicken for some reason, and it is a great source of protein, along with eggs. It just takes some planning to make sure you make time for yourself to eat as many times a day as it takes to get your nutrition. Are you able to eat more now? I probably initially had 10% capacity, and now I probably have 35%, so I am able to eat more. My weight has started to level off. I have lost about 180 pounds, and I only lose about 1-2 pounds per month now. I just had an abdominoplasty/panniculectomy last week, and am recovering from that now. Life is good!!!
Happy Anniversary for starters!
I have pretty much eaten the same things for the past year also but I do experiment with new things now and then. Pasta is a definate no-no for me since sugery but most other things are ok. I still only eat a cup of food as I just can't hold any more. I was so afraid of stretching my pouch in the beginning that I always measured my food. I know what a cup looks like and just go from there. I have started a job and am finding it a huge challenge to eat and drink enough each day. I take little snack foods like a cut up apple or some cheese to eat on my break now and carry around a bottle of water with me so it's visable on a more frequent bases.
Hope this helps! Elizabeth