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RNY on 09/20/12
Topic: RE: 9/10/12
Good luck! My RNY is 9/20/12. I feel the same way as you. Just overwhelmed. It has happened to quickly. This will be my first surgery, so I have tons of thoughts going on in my head. Best thing I can think of to ease my thoughts....a new healthier me!
RNY on 09/20/12
RNY on 09/20/12
Topic: so nervous!
Surgery is fastly approaching...8 days away
time has flown by. I still remember the very first appointment me and my fiancee were sitting next to eachother thinking, "Omg this is going to be a long journey". But in all honesty after being there and now where I am, it goes by fast! Good luck to anyone else who is having surgery this month as well.

Topic: RE: Update us on your surgery!
I had my surgery this past Thursday (09/06/12) and besides issues with the IVs as always it went great. I was on clear liquids that same day. They released me from the hospital on Saturday morning and I'm doing well though I seem to be sleeping a lot. I hate jello and I hate popciscles. Cannot wait until the puree stage where at least there will be some substance to food again.
RNY on 09/04/12
Topic: RE: Update us on your surgery!
Sarah-- I found out the hard way about laugh now too..hahaha..hmmm My left side aches and I was told I had scar tissue up there she had to cut through..maybe from my prior gall bladder surgery.....I wish I could sleep on my stomach!!! And I take anti depressants too..and they cut me off my cymbalta....cut my diabetes medicine half the dose I used to and my high blood pressure medicine has been lowered too!! I go Wed.the 12th to my family doc to get lab work..maybe I can get rid of somemore..crushing pills is yuk..well the taste hate food commercials now!!! The chicken broth is so frustrating :(..but I did lose 5 lbs. water weight gain from the hospital YAY!!!
Topic: RE: Update us on your surgery!
I'm starting my 5th day now. Yesterday was hard because i am stuck on not driving so boredom has taken its toll. Last night I even dreamed about sneaking off to work!
I'm finding it difficult to a) get in a my liquids b) get in all my prescription meds and c) not think about food. I have had success on the scale, so that's good, but man another week and a half of liquids only?? i'm going to go crazy! I think i will work some today, so that'll take my mind off food, I think. And i did star****ching New Girl on Hulu+ but then I was laughing and that wasn't so comfortable!
I know my cry is coming. I'd rather cry than have rage, though. Again, with the prescription drug situation, it's hard to take my antidepessants. I take about 45 minutes just to take all my pills. I guess I'll start to space them out and maybe that will help. I have to space out my vitamins anyway, so perhaps that is the solution to my problem!
I did have a breakthrough last night! I slept On my stomach! I remember waking up bc it was painful when I turned over, but I made it and I slept better!
Have to call the doctors office this AM RE: a pain in my lower right side. It's been there 5 days and hasn't gotten better. I'm sure it is nothing, but want to make sure just in case.
Sorry for any strange typos. Still working from my phone.
Speak soon!
Sarah :)
I'm finding it difficult to a) get in a my liquids b) get in all my prescription meds and c) not think about food. I have had success on the scale, so that's good, but man another week and a half of liquids only?? i'm going to go crazy! I think i will work some today, so that'll take my mind off food, I think. And i did star****ching New Girl on Hulu+ but then I was laughing and that wasn't so comfortable!
I know my cry is coming. I'd rather cry than have rage, though. Again, with the prescription drug situation, it's hard to take my antidepessants. I take about 45 minutes just to take all my pills. I guess I'll start to space them out and maybe that will help. I have to space out my vitamins anyway, so perhaps that is the solution to my problem!
I did have a breakthrough last night! I slept On my stomach! I remember waking up bc it was painful when I turned over, but I made it and I slept better!
Have to call the doctors office this AM RE: a pain in my lower right side. It's been there 5 days and hasn't gotten better. I'm sure it is nothing, but want to make sure just in case.
Sorry for any strange typos. Still working from my phone.
Speak soon!
Sarah :)