
on 9/4/12 2:15 pm
RNY on 09/10/12
That is my date!! RNY on Monday....I am OVERWHELMED!! I am so so so so so scared that right now it outweighs how excited I should be. I honestly feel like I am not going to wake up. It's almost like the doctor said I have some terminal illness and I have until Monday to live!
I'm not sure if this much nervousness is really normal and my sister actually suggested I "listen to my intuition" and cancel surgery....has anyone felt like this before?
HW 366 SW 318 CW 299
on 9/4/12 3:32 pm

I know exactly how you feel. I had my surgery last week and was so scared I was driving my friends and familly crazy. I was coming up with all these signs I was getting and wondering if I should go through with it. Right up to the point of being wheeled into the room I just asked my surgeon to please take care of me. I just wanted to wake up. That is all I told my family, I just want to wake up and know I survived and it is all over. I am happy to say, It turned out wonderful and I am so happy even now, just drinking only liquids and I am a bit frustrated that I am glad I did it!! I am looking forward to full fluids next Wednesday. :) You will be fine. The nurses at Guelph are wonderful, especially the night nurses!!! Take care  :))))))))
on 9/4/12 5:14 pm
RNY on 09/10/12
I am so glad to hear how well you are doing! and yes!! that is EXACTLY how i feel haha i find little "signs" all the time :) Guess my mind is just overworking
Barbara Keller
on 9/6/12 7:36 pm - Gaffney, SC
Revision on 09/10/12
 It is absolutely normal to feel this way...I have had the same thoughts.  I do want to share something with you as a member of this site and also as a RN who worked in the operating room......When I start thinking about not waking up from surgery I remember how skilled, technical, trained, etc the anesthesiologist, MDs, nurses, scrub techs etc are in the surgery suite. I worked in surgery for several years and I can honestly tell you that modern medicine and training is at our benefit.  Instances when people don't wake up from surgery do happen but are rare and there is usually an underlying problem.  They have amazing drugs that keep you alive and resussitate ( I can't spell tonight) people.  You are in great hands and so am I.   
When I had my revision I had these thoughts then also but I told myself...."I am going to start a new life tomorrow....either in heaven or on earth.....either would be great".  
You have made a huge decision that will make a major difference in your life.  I lost 200 lbs in 2001 and have never regretted having the surgery.  I have now gained some back and scheduled for surgery on the 10th also.   We will do fine!!!!  Both of us!!!! 
 Barbara Keller
on 9/6/12 8:03 pm
RNY on 09/10/12
Thank you so much for your encouraging words....they really do help me :) ... I"m not really even afraid for me, just for my kids *if* something happens :) but im praying a lot and trying to keep up my faith in the doctors!!
HW 366 SW 318 CW 299
Barbara Keller
on 9/8/12 3:09 pm - Gaffney, SC
Revision on 09/10/12
 We just have 2 days left.....we have almost made it there!!!!!!
 Barbara Keller
on 9/8/12 6:42 pm
RNY on 09/10/12
 yes i need to be at the.hospital at 5:30 am :D whar about you?
HW 366 SW 318 CW 299
Barbara Keller
on 9/9/12 4:08 pm - Gaffney, SC
Revision on 09/10/12
 Barbara Keller
on 9/9/12 9:41 pm
RNY on 09/10/12
 good luck to you too!!
on 9/12/12 8:18 am
RNY on 09/20/12
Good luck! My RNY is 9/20/12. I feel the same way as you. Just overwhelmed. It has happened to quickly. This will be my first surgery, so I have tons of thoughts going on in my head. Best thing I can think of to ease my thoughts....a new healthier me!

  Starting Weight: 345 lbs. Weight day of Surgery: 332lbs. Goal Weight: 160lbs.

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