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what do you think,is this good or bad????? karen
So glad I had the surgery while it's cool outside. No sweating on the surgical sites and it gives me time to work up the amount of fluids I can take in. Anyone else glad they're getting their surgery done before the holiday binge?
Most of the painful burping is gone...Whew...Ok onto the intense smells...does anyone else whose had anykind of WLS...did your sense of smell change? Did it go back to pre-op "normal?" I smell things so intensely like I did when I was pregnant w/o the nausea part though! Smelt lasagna and it was as if I could smell each ingrediant-So Savory, that it felt as if I'd eaten it and was more satisfied than if I'd actually eaten it pre-op. Alas tho, everyone's breathe smells like garlic esp. my smooching hubby! Any similar experiences out there? I want to NOT scrunch my nose subconciously when he zooms in

I am 7 weeks out and things are going good. I feel I am also a "slow" loser as I am only down 36 lbs since surgery (I went 3 weeks with no loss). However, I am down 2 pant sizes so at least I am moving in the right direction. I keep looking at the perspective my surgeon has in that I have lost 40% of the excess weight that she wants me to lose since my initial consultation with her. I worked hard for the pre-op loss so I definately count it

My diet has progressed to lean meat and fruits/vegetables. It was so nice to be able to eat the veggies. All my incisions have been healed so I have begun working out (other than my walking) with a trainer through the hospital P.T. center. It definately has been an eye opener.
Enjoy your "soft" foods next week. It will be a nice change for you.