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Topic: RE: September is my tentative date
Hello all! My date is the end of September!! My hubby and I are going on a 7-night Canada/New England cruise on 9/12 to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, then I'll come home to start my 2-week pre-surgery diet. Should be interesting!
Topic: RE: September is my tentative date
Hello Brandnew,
My surgery is scheduled for Sept too. Thinking about so much...What to expect the first month is the main question I keep thinking about these days.
Trying to find a support group locally. My surgery will be preformed abroad. I want to succeed so much! Here's to you!
Topic: Hey guys Im back
im back!i didnt go threw with thesurgery...i went to a weight managemen doctor...i was weighing 320 now at 255lbs and still n excercise.please contact me
Topic: September is my tentative date
Hello All! My tentative date for my Lap Band is September. It's not a definite yet but I'd love to get to know some of you who also have September surgery dates. :D
Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Our Own Magazine Has Arrived. We've been busy since January putting
together our first copy of our quarterly magazine and it's now available
for ordering. Click here to
order your subscription today. Proceeds from all subscriptions go
to the Association for Morbid Obesity Support. Make the investment in both
our community as well as your ongoing education in WLS. Recipes, hospital
reviews, surgeon scoring, humor, inspiring photos, quality articles, and
much more. All these are waiting to reach your door. Rather than produce
just a newsletter, we went all out and produced a 64 page magazine for
you. Spread the word, ObesityHelp Magazine is available for the