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I am drinking lots and lots of water when I get hungry.
Also, my doc must be different than 90% of others out there; I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want just NPO after midnight on the day of my surgery (Sept 1st).
My issue, is this... I didn't get to be over 300 pounds by LOVING fruits and veggies.. LOL so ya its kicking my butt. I eat an apple and I'm like are you kidding me, that so didn't touch my hunger!!
Back to my doc, he's kinda back words.
I don't have a full liquid pre-op diet; I have a 6 week full liquid POST-op diet.
So ya, that will be just LOADS of fun! (joking)
But the only thing that makes me OK with it is knowing I should drop pretty rapidly during the 1st 6 weeks. (At least I hope so)
So stay strong and its almost over Gastric_Babe, and soon you will be able to eat again! :D
Here are a few tips:
Drink some water with a slice of lemon. Water does help to fill ones stomach up and it is great for our skin, as well.
Apple Cider Vinegar- great for killin hunger pains
A cup of cold or hot coffee. Hmm, love my morning coffee (decaf).
Green Tea. This I have also noticed is an ingredient in most diet pills. Buy the moderate grade kind.
Chew sugar free Gum
Brush or Floss your teeth
And ya, that's all I can think of!
I'm sure there are much more creative people on here than I!
XD Hope this finds you well! :D
"Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!""> src="">>
I am suppose to call the doctors office and see the day before my big day in the morning time what time I should be there!
I do hope its in the a.m. so I can get past this part on my life and start takin'
care of the new me the way I need to!! : )
I do hope this finds you all well!!
"Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!""> src="">>

As far as the pre-liquid phase goes, just count down the days till it is over. If you can learn to control habits and make healthy choices before surgery I think that is an awesome learning tool for your new healthy life-style that is about to begin!!

Hope this finds you well
"Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!""> src="">>