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Thanks Carole!
the only thing holding me back right now is finding out if i can access a trust account to pay for my surgery... i should know something by the end of the night. I already have a surgon and hospital in mind, i'm just waiting for the money to be approved! i will let you all know when i find out something either way!
I'm in the middle of Appealing thur Blueshield of CA HMO, It has been two week since I started the appeal , they told me it could take up to 30 days. I'm just wanting if anyone has appealed this insurnace comany and if so, were you approved or denied and how long did it take. Thanks
I too had those 'regret' feelings. My WLS friends all told me not to fret too much - that it was normal & will quickly pass. I looked at my husband in the hospital (I had a few complications) and asked "Remind me again why I did this to myself??!!" He was super and I got through those hard times. Now its nearly 3 weeks later and I no longer think those thoughts. I have had some other negative thoughts (telling myself this will never work for me) - but again... my WLS friends all assured me that they too went through that as well. So just trust in the process, use your tool, and focus on making great post-op food choices. YOU WILL BE FINE!!
hang in there! HUGS ~ Julie from Ohio
I was unsure if you meant you were having surgery TODAY Monday or NEXT Monday, but either way... you're in my prayers. Hope you are well... hang in there girl!
HUGS ~ Julie from Ohio (RNY 9/4/08)
Hang in there... don't sweat it about the protein. I too was getting really frustrated with my protein intake during the liquid phase. My dietician told me NOT to worry too much at that point. Now that I'm on pureed foods, its MUCH easier to get more and more protein in each day. Just try to take each day a little at a time... concentrate on what you're drinking at the moment and investigate your cabinets to see how you might be able to add a bit more next time or tomorrow. You'll get there, I promise you!
HUGS ~ Julie from Ohio
Basic info says that if you don't get enough protein, you will notice hair loss/thinning approximately 3 months after severe protein deprivation.
If your surgery was just this month, it may be too early to tell if its from lack of protein or just a hormonal imbalance. I think either way, its worth a visit to your bariatric surgeon or PCP so they can run a little blood work on you.
Are you keeping a food diary to see where you may be lacking (if at all?)
Hope that helps a little. I haven't had much thinning yet. I am praying I don't experience that at all. I only had surgery on sept 4th & I'm trying my best to keep protein counts waaaay up there.
Hang in there,damurphy0526.
HUGS ~ Julie from Ohio