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Keep the focus on you not on them.
You should be considering WLS for what it will do for you...that hasn't changed
Might you address this concern with your to share how their behavior impacts you but don't expect to change them. If your focus is on can succeed. If your focus is their behavior you will probably fail.
Good luck
Dr Mike
Dr Mike
First things first.....get well.
Weight that is a result of 'water' will be quickly lost once you are well.
It is too easy to focus just on the scale, please stop.
Dr Mike

Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

I'm back home now. I had RNY last Wednesday and came home Saturday evening but I couldn't get the strength up to get online. The surgery went well--GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS! I'm still very sore and tired but the drinking is the worst part about all this. I feel so full that I can't seem to get enough fluid in. Actually I'm not certain if I'm "full" or if I'm just feeling my new little stomach but it seem like it's full and I'm afraid to drink more because I don't want to throw up. I'm able to drink about 5 or 6 ounces in 1 hour but I need to get more down. I'm drinking Crystal Light, Jell-O, and apple juice but the sugar free popsicles seem to go down the easiest. I don't want to get dehydrated so I'll keep trying but I just feel like I'm not doing this right. Did this happen to anyone else?
Thanks for all the advice / encouragement
