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Topic: RE: Count down !
well congratulation you have the same day as Abby ... i'm on the 9... so welcome
Topic: RE: Medications after surgery
they told me the same that they will due all that while your in the hospital .... and congratulation on your date
Topic: RE: September 2nd....seems so far away!
Hi, i also am anxious, nervous, excited, scared. What a rollercoaster of emotions. My date is Sept 5th. But that's only 37 days until I am reborn
Topic: RE: Medications after surgery
I was told that they would tell me what medicines to take after the surgery while I was in hospital. I hope that helps.
Topic: RE: September 10th baby!!!
Wohoo you are on your way. September 10th will be here before you know it!
Topic: Medications after surgery
How will I take all my medication after surgery? I take some 20 different meds daily. I am hoping to eliminate some of them with surgery. Initially I'll still have to take them,won't I. By the way I am having lap band surgery Sept 10th. What have you been told regarding this? Thank you.