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Topic: RE: Got my this went quick...
Congrats, I tried last year & got denied, got a new job and had to wait until I'd been there 6 months so that I would be protected by FMLA when I took off the time to recover. I've had a c-section too and remember most all of it, but it will be kinda frightening to be completely knocked out.
Topic: RE: Got my this went quick...
Congratulation We have the same date ..... I'm scared a little bit i have faith in my doctor....
Topic: Abdominoplasty ( Tummy Tuck)
I am having sugery September 5th 2008 at DDEAMC by Dr. Chasen. I go for pre-op Aug. 26th.
Topic: RE: Got my this went quick...
I know the feeling. I went to the doctor on July 29 and got my date for september 10. I am also concerned with the going under. I have had other surgeries with no complications but the going under still scares me the most.
Topic: RE: Got my this went quick...
Congrats on you date. That was quick. Your insurance / doctor must not have the 6 month doctor supevised diet - lucky you.
I think your concern about going under is normal but I don't think you want to be awake for it. I have had 2 c-sections, they didn't put me totally out but I don't really remember much which is a good thing, I think.
Topic: Got my this went quick...
Tuesday, September 9th.... Now I am nervous. From reading all the posts I thought this process would take several months... I had my initial consulation on July 7th and did all the pre-op stuff and just got the date today.... So on my end it all went very quickly!!!!! Perhaps too quickly...
In all honesty and its due to the fact that I've never had surgery or medical issues of any significance.....the hospital part of this whole thing freaks me out. Not so much the diet and lifestyle change for the rest of my life...that doesn't phase me at all....the actual going under for surgery does (:
Topic: RE: Count down !
Congrats and welcome, my date is on the 5th. Won't be long for us now.