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Topic: RE: September 11th 2008
congratulation Mona on your date and welcome to the september's losing team ....
Topic: September 11th 2008
September 11th 2008 it is all happening so fast. I haven't had time to wrap my head around it yet. But I am excited. I ask the Lord for a green light or a big red stop sign when I had my consult yesterday. I saw doc, have my 2 testing appts(blood and apnea which I know I have) in 6 days on the same day. No upfront fees or surgeon co pays, no deductable up front at hospital. Medicare covers it, so I am taking that as a Big ol Green Light. Yea!!!!!
Topic: RE: September 17!!
YEAH that is great news. Congratulations. The September babies are right around the corner.
Topic: September 17!!
My surgery (RNY) is scheduled for Sept 17 by Dr Moran in Raleigh, NC!! I'm so excited!!
Topic: RE: Got room for 1 more???
Welcome aboard and congratulations on getting your date. Mine is September 9th and I'm so excited.