Pain in left side
I had surgery on the 24 my left side still really hurts. Iwas told the biggest most brutal part all happened on the left so that is why it is so much sorer that the right. I also had an infection owhere my drain was so now I have an open wound that gets "packed " (dont ask) I am sure that does not help. Can u sleep on your right? I can if i put a pillow under my stomach sort of a prop up. good luck healing! every day does seem better to me though. Shannon
Thanks for the post! I am actually sleeping in a recliner becuase it is difficult to get in and out of the bed. Today I am going to stop taking the Loratab and just try Tylenol. Sorry about the infection, I hope it heals soon! You are right, I need to just take one day at a time becuase it will get better!
I had my surgery July 22nd. I still have pain on my left side, and also infection where my g-tube
was. I had it lanced to let out the infection 3 weeks ago, and took anti-biotics for 2 weeks. The
problem let up for awhile, and now its back again, oozing and pain. I am back to the doc
again today. I had loads of complications during surgery. So I am considering myself
lucky? For now, its hoping the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train. (famous saying from
my wife). Always get an expert opionion whenever there is something just not right. I have also
visited my regular doctor too, just to make sure. Major surgery is nothing to sneeze at.
Expecially when my body has been raked over by age and diabetes.
Take care of yourself.
was. I had it lanced to let out the infection 3 weeks ago, and took anti-biotics for 2 weeks. The
problem let up for awhile, and now its back again, oozing and pain. I am back to the doc
again today. I had loads of complications during surgery. So I am considering myself
lucky? For now, its hoping the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train. (famous saying from
my wife). Always get an expert opionion whenever there is something just not right. I have also
visited my regular doctor too, just to make sure. Major surgery is nothing to sneeze at.
Expecially when my body has been raked over by age and diabetes.
Take care of yourself.

I had surgery on the 24th. Is the pain right under your left brest and close to the opening of your rib cage. I'm sure you know this, but for me the pain is from where they took that top part of my stomach and stapled it closed.
Put an ice pack over the whole area that hurts it should help you alot. I am always putting an icepack on my stomach it seems to sooth it. I was told to put a heating pad on the lower part if I have pain where my new stomach and intestines narrows. That too has helped.
Besides this pain have you been feeling alright?
Put an ice pack over the whole area that hurts it should help you alot. I am always putting an icepack on my stomach it seems to sooth it. I was told to put a heating pad on the lower part if I have pain where my new stomach and intestines narrows. That too has helped.
Besides this pain have you been feeling alright?