Two weeks since surgery
I had my RNY on Sept 15th. After two weeks at home, I started back to work yesterday. I expected to be worn the slap out by the time the day was over, and though I was definitely tired, I had more energy than I expected. I'm mostly pain free with only an occasional twinge that reminds me I've major work done on my innards.
I'm struggling with feelings of head hunger. When I can listen to my vody and my digestive system, I know that I'm not hungry for real. But that doesn't stop me from wanting all those great foods I used to live for. It's a difficult habit to break myself from, but I try to remember that my surgery was a tool--a very effective tool--and it gives me strength and willpower I simply did not have before September 15th.
Starting back to work was good, but I've been a little self-conscious. Nearly everybody I work with knew I was going in for WLS, and now I sense they're looking me up and down to see whether or not it's working. In their shoes, I'd be just as curious. But their curiosity is unnerving. I need to get beyond that. It's not about them, it's about me (that's one of my new mantras.)
Anyway, I've been mostly lurking for the past couple of weeks, and I appreciate all the good info I'm getting here. Thanks, guys!
Perry in Nashville
I start back to work today - but didn't tell anyone except my boss and my assistant. knows I had "surgery" but not what kind. I won't have weird looks right now (would make me self consious,,, why I didn't tell) but I am worried about the questions once I noticeably start losing weight. I may borrow your mantra "It's not about them, it's about me"...
Good luck. I hope things continue to go well!
H-348/ S-328/ C-255 /G-175