Went to have Surgery... Got Rescheduled!
We drove to Fremont today and my surgery was RS due to my Dr. worrying that I may be getting sick. I was getting a migraine (from not eating or drinking in well over 12 hours) and felt a little dizzy (I was dehydrated from the Fleets tx). I asked the nurses if they could take me back to pre-op and put in an IV because I was feeling terrible (I knew why). I thought we would be on our way with the IV etc ...and in comes my surgeon saying he is not going to do the surgery because he is worried that my symptoms could be the flu which has been going around even amongst some of their staff. We tried to tell him that I would be fine, I was not sick. But he had made up his mind to be cautious and not take any chances. He said if I had the surgery and then came down with the stomach flu it could be big trouble for me and I may end up hospitalized for dehydration etc...after the surgery.
So, why am I so upset? Well, 1st of all it is a huge disappointment even though I know he just wanted to be cautious. But, the next date he has open is in over 1 month... and I am not sick!!! I feel fine and started to feel better as soon as they gave me a glass of apple juice. I took 2 Excedrin and have felt great since then. I have been up all day and even went out to Mexican food tonight with my Best Friend, I was like screw this, I am having my last supper that I never had time to have before surgery. It was great but I would have rather had the surgery... I have had plenty of food in my life time, now I just want to get this over with and start my new journey.
This is all so hard... My husband was so upset because he took off from work for the rest of the week (not sure if they will allow him the time off in October again)! Plus, I did not book any parties for 5 weeks, so I could recover well. Now I have lost out on all of those parties I had to give away or turn away. I will have to clear & keep my books clear for October too! This does not just affect us. We hired a nurse to take care of our daughter with special needs while I was recovering for the next 4 weeks! She is supposed to start on Monday. This all took so much preparation and hard work to coordinate that we can't help but to be upset. I am fine with RS surgery but re-doing all of these plans, other peoples plans, and having to start all over again with the prep (which was awful) sucks!
So, I have written him begging for him to see if he can RS me for ASAP. The date I have now is 10-8-08 and that will put me right back into a similar spot. Probably on my period again (which makes me more prone to headaches) and even worse I was supposed to drive to Salt Lake City on 10-28-08 for my sister's baby shower. I am not sure I can drive 12 hours ,20 days after surgery. I have no idea what I will feel like at that point so soon after major surgery. From what I have read it takes about 6 weeks to feel some what normal after RNY.
I am sorry this post is so unorganized, and random. I have had to start and stop a few times for different things. The one thing that is for sure is that... I sure the heck did not have surgery today!!! Is it going to kill me to wait? Nope! Will I be able to work everything out for October? Probably. But, who wants to repeat the last few days for worry, stress, and BM's that poor out like a faucet of water every 10 minutes! Not me! I have learned a hard lesson. If you know you have a common pain or common headache do not complain about it or your surgery will be canceled! I have to admire them trying to keep me safe, but I also feel like an idiot for saying anything! I would be in the hospital med floor recovering from surgery right now but instead I am laying here at home typing this to all of you.
So, I guess it looks like I am no longer a Sept. Samurai! :-(
I will keep you all posted. Maybe there is a higher reason for everything to have happened this way. .. The one thing I do know is, that the later in the year it gets, the more likelihood of actually getting ill before surgery is stronger. The kids are back at school and bring all kinds of viruses home not to mention that my little ones get sick more then too. That is the start of flu season, so I am really praying to get a date this month soon instead of October!
Keep all of your fingers and toes crossed for me that he will call and say "come on down it is your turn on to be on the losers side"!!!! lol!

RNY 9-18-08
HW-260 Consult Wt-246 SW-218 GW-150
CW-148 5'8" BMI 22
9-27-10 LBL & BL/BA- Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, MX :-)
Perry in Nashville
As all of you Samurai's know, there is so much emotional and physical preparation. You go through such a roller coaster ride as your date approaches. But now I feel like my roller coaster just stopped at the top of the big climb and now I am suspended there.
Well, chin up right? It is not the end of the world, the good news is I am healthy, alive, and will eventually get my surgery. I need to regroup and not get depressed. I will do my best to keep high spirits and healthy in the coming weeks.
This is a fluke so I do not want to freak any of you out and I will still be watching over this group and keeping positive thoughts for each of you to have a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!

RNY 9-18-08
HW-260 Consult Wt-246 SW-218 GW-150
CW-148 5'8" BMI 22
9-27-10 LBL & BL/BA- Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, MX :-)
Your getting mighty close!!! How are you feeling? Keep me posted!

RNY 9-18-08
HW-260 Consult Wt-246 SW-218 GW-150
CW-148 5'8" BMI 22
9-27-10 LBL & BL/BA- Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, MX :-)