What are you doing to prepare yourself?
As the date gets closer I am wondering what am I suposed to be doing to get ready for my lap band? I just feel like there is something I am missing. It may just be me getting excited but what are you all doing to prepare for your BIG day?
Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

I did a lot of reading and research about after diet... night before going to hospital I made a big batch of soup so I would have plenty of "good Broth" I dont know if you have checked youtube out but there is a whole community of people that have had WLS and share stories by videos ... I am on there with links to others if you wanna check it out.
LVSissy08 on here and youtube
Take Care,
LVSissy08 on here and youtube
Take Care,
Buying the stuff and copying recipies. Know your diet inside and out. Clean house before so you can relax a little later.
Right now I am stuck on a will. I can not seem to get it done fast enough and think about it all the time. School has slowed me down a bit though. No I do not believe I am going to die but I prepare for everything that can happen before hand or I go nuts. A lot has changed since the last one.
Med Power of Atrny if you do not have one yet.
Good luck. Crystal
Right now I am stuck on a will. I can not seem to get it done fast enough and think about it all the time. School has slowed me down a bit though. No I do not believe I am going to die but I prepare for everything that can happen before hand or I go nuts. A lot has changed since the last one.
Med Power of Atrny if you do not have one yet.
Good luck. Crystal
First fill 11/4/08 3cc's Second fill 12/19/08 2cc's
Third appt 1/27/09 rescheduled
Third fill 3/24/09 1 cc= Total 6cc's
I went to my pharmacist yesterday and went over my medication with him. I needed to make sure my pills could be crushed or broken in half if needed. The one capsule I take can be opened up and mixed in water, the other pills I take are very small, so I'm good to go. I've also ordered my vitamins. Today I'm going to make some homemade beef and chicken broth and freeze it.
I'm getting excited!!!! Good luck.
I'm getting excited!!!! Good luck.