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Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
Hey my 'lone bandster! You guys have always had much respect from me. You're doing great as well.....I can't wait till I'm outta the 200's!
Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
I had the lap band on Sept. 10 and have lost 60 pounds-- 261 down to 201-- I cannot wait until I get under 200. I can eat most things-- still have trouble chewing thoroughly enough sometimes or right after a fill, but normally all is good. I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat. I am off all medicines and am looking forward to wearing shorts this summer and I haven't been able to do that with any confidence in years. I am wearing a 14 and feel so good. It has been so long since I have been able to shop in regular stores and I'm still a bit nervous about buying clothes that "fit" but plan to go shopping in a few days to get some new things that don't just cover me but look stylish(????) Life is good and I'm headed upstairs to the treadmill!
Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
Wow! Next visit you'll be skipping to the office, just about
You're doing a wonderful job as well!

Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
I've lost 122lbs so far and I'm getting some mobility back so the more I lose, the more I can move causing me to lose more!. Things are going well for me. At the time of surgery, I was probably a month or so away from being bed-bound. I had to use a walker to get around, but no more.
I went to the surgeon on Friday and I was able to make it from my car, to the elevator, up the elevator to the 7th floor, to the doctor's office without stopping once. The time before I went, I had to bring a folding chair so that I could stop, sit and catch my breath. It's things like that, that keep me motivated.
I am doing good with my diet although I cannot tolerate beef very well. I'm getting my routine down, but still tend to put to much on my plate, then my pouch reminds me that I can't do that. I have not ventured outside of my doctor's plan. I only eat up to 5 grams of sugar per serving. I cannot tolerate bread either, but consider that a good thing. I eat chicken, fish and salads. Adding the fish to my diet is something new. I was a non-fish eater prior to my surgery. I also struggle to meet my fluid requirements, but it is getting better.
Physically when I see myself in the mirror, I don't see the weight loss so much until I see a picture of myself. I actually was scanning through my camera for my 3/10 picture and I passed my picture up because I didn't recognize that was me! I also am struggling with buying clothes, I tend to go back to my familiar, comfortable style of clothing, baggy, long and dark. I still want to hide. I still have alot to lose since I started at such a high number, but I'm very happy and don't have any regrets about having my surgery.
I'm glad to hear everyone is doing so well.
Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about! Trust me...I go through it everyday! I was just telling a friend how I used to really enjoy..rolling through a drive thru..picking up a good hardy meal going home and plopping in front of the t.v and getting down...wheeeewwww...those were the good ole days but these days are better (physically) mentally is another story...eating isn't all that exciting for me ne more...
Topic: help! Lump in my throat
I had my 3rd fill on Jan. 5th and I finally felt that I was getting a restriction of what I ate. But reading everyones posts it seems that most of you are eating a good variety of foods. I have been so concerned with getting protein in that after 2 or 3 ozs I start to get that overly full feeling so then I don't get any veggies or fruits in. ( and I am so craving fruits and veggies) I have been getting in protein with powder mixed with V-8 Fusion Lite . But a few days ago I bought some seafood salad (fake crab) from the deli and thought I'd try it. I had about 4ozs for dinner and it went down with no problem. Then yesterday I had the same amount for lunch and I got this lump in my throat after eating. It is still there after 24 hrs. I purposely drank water after a little food tonight to make myself throw-up thinking something is stuck, but it's still there. It doesn't hurt but it's very uncomfortable and I'm having a hard time getting anything down. Any ideas??
Thank for any input
Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
Surgery Date Sept 17, 2007
Surgery Weight 234
Pre-surgery jean size 20-22
Present Weight 176
Jean size 13-14
I can eat almost anything. Chocolate, chips, ice cream, crackers, cookies (Those damn 'c' words!!!!)
I have problems with chicken, potatos, and any bread.
I lose about 3-4 pounds and then I reach a plateau for 2 weeks. I don't let it bother me because I know it will start again.
I know I don't get near enough protein or liquids. If I start feeling bad I drink a bunch of water and I'll feel better. I have had 2 colds since my surgery and I never got sick before. My resistance is down.
The surgery has fixed me physically but not mentally. I still want to pig out all the time- my body won't let me though. I want to eat a big, juicy, bacon cheeseburger and and order of fries. It's gets easier as I get smaller but there are still times.....ya know?

Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
Am I the only one who is intimidated by smaller sizes? Lol..I freak out..walk out thr store and just keep rocking my baggy clothes...crazy huh? Now my 32's I really can't wear but all of my other clothes were way too tight neway (when I was heavier) so I'm wearing them..even though they too are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too big! Ill do it one day!
You're doing great honey

Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
I'm a cracker head as well
I eat them with tuna all of the time! Its the only way I can eat tuna..I swear!

Topic: RE: Heyyyyy My September Babies! Happy 6 month Anniversary!
A new question every day is a great idea! I tried rice early on and it hurt sooooooo bad going down that I haven't tried it since.