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Topic: September 4!
This is my first post here - no profile or anything yet.
I think I was waiting to be scheduled to believe it was really going to happen, and here it is. September 4!
Is anyone else scheduled for that date?
Zandra Q
Topic: RE: Got my Date!!
WOW! You put that beautifly(sp). Thank you so much for those words. I really do feel better now. Thanks a bunch!!
Topic: RE: Got my Date!!
I have to say Sept 11 .. some could look at it like it was a bad day to have surg.
I disagree... Sept 11 was a day that our country came together as one.. Nothing stood in the way of us taking care and loving one another int the most difficult of times .. Sept 11 sounds like the perfect day to love yourself with your own American dream to be healthy and fit..
Congratulations on your up and coming surg.. keep me posted
I am filled with mixed emotions ....
Excited and nervous at the same time..

Topic: RE: I just got approved
I will let you know. I will probably still be in the hospital on the 6th.
Topic: RE: I just got approved
Good luck you. Since your surgery is before mine. I hope you'll be able to give me all the nitty gritty of what to expect and how I'll feel...
Topic: RE: Reserving a spot on the Sept. Bench!!
Yay for you!! We'll be having our surgery 5 days apart. Im sending nothing but the best to you.
Topic: Got my Date!!
Hello to all my fellow September Losers!! I just wanted to post on here and tell anyone who cares, that I got my surgery date. I've been refering to my surgery date, as my New Begining... So my new begining is Sept 11th... I have gotten over the fact that my surgery is on 9-11.
Alrighty, good luck to the rest of you. I hope this board picks up. It would be nice to talk to you all, and give our expericences...
Topic: Reserving a spot on the Sept. Bench!!
I've just been approved, and my date is Sept. 6th. It has been a long journey since January, but I'm finally here!

Topic: RE: I just got approved
Congratulations, Judy. I just got my date today as well (Sept 6). Looks like we're the first ones on the September bench!