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Topic: Looking for an Angel!
I would love to have someone to look in on how I am doing from time to time! My surgery is in less than a week and I am starting to get really nervous!
Thanks and good luck to all of you!
Topic: RE: Any low carb meal and snack idea's???
Hi Thursann,
I had RNY last year but I do high protein, low carb. I put a list of the protein snacks/small meals I eat in my blog you are welcome to check out:
Hope this helps,
Topic: RE: I'm HUNGRY!
I am having RNY - However my cousin had Lap Band. She had some issues with hunger until she found her 'sweet spot' with fills. You might try asking on the lap band message board.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: Its almost Here, Tomorrow Is My day!
Good luck!! I'm sure you'll do awesome, and recover in no time
Topic: RE: Sept 25th, 2007 is my date
our dates are fast approaching... I go for my consultation with the anesthesiologist for pretesting/ekg and the meds i will be on before surgery and start the liquid diet on the 11th. Its so exciting, its hard to believe its almost here....
Topic: I'm HUNGRY!
I had my lap band surgery 11 days ago. I was hungry going to surgery, waking up from surgery, leaving the hospital, finally coming home hungry! What in the world is going on? Am I a freak? I thought maybe this surgery would help me not be hungry or over eat. Not so. I really have to discipline myself. This is not easy. I am eating soup, soft foods. Trying to stick to proteins. I have at least 3 whey proteins a day with 3 meals consisting of protein. I am still hungry. I have not thrown up. I have felt fullness. I walk every day. I have lost 3.4 lbs, due to the liquid diet. I sure hope this feeling of hunger or my love affair with food will stop. Any suggestions? I want my lap band to work. I do not want to feel hungry all the time. My 1st fill date is Oct 4th! I sure hope I have not wasted my $$$$$! Please, anyone out there feel like me?
Topic: Its almost Here, Tomorrow Is My day!
I thought it would never come! September 7th seemed so far away now it is here!