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Topic: Letter from your future (09/18/06 grad)
Congrats and best wishes to everyone having their procedure done this week! Don't blink your eyes - you'll find yourself a year later like me, still trying to comprehend how you could have made so much progress over the course of a year, after spending so much time fretting over whether surgery was a good idea, whether you'll be ok when you wake up, how you'll manage getting your fluids in, how you'll ever find a way to "relax" and still keep up with the vitamins and protein grams, and all that "fabulous" stuff you're in the middle of right now.
We're all different people, we all have different goals, different starting points, and different medical hurdles to jump over after surgery - but we all have "the ride" in common. Enjoy every phase of it as best as you can - yes, even the difficult first month(s). You're about to learn how strong you really are, how determined you really are, how much you TRULY want to get out there and enjoy your life. That's exciting! And I'm rooting for each and every one of you!
I remember my weekend prior to surgery very vividly, even a year later. The first dose of Fleet sipped while I watched a Three's Company marathon on t.v. like it was the best thing I'd ever seen, to keep my mind off the lemony oily concoction in my glass. Drafting, editing, checking, and re-checking different lists so that I had everything I would need with me at the hospital. Making copies of my living will for family, organizing my insurance info in a binder so it would be in one place. Checking the route to the hospital and parking with my father who would be driving me there the next day. Putting brand new sheets on my bed for when I got back, so I wouldn't have to worry about laundry or getting the incisions dirty.
You'll have your own memories to share. Trust me, they'll get better and more fabulous as YOUR year marches on.
Happy, healthy vibes going out to everyone!
I'm not there yet, but my dr. warned that this would happen, but not to panic - that you will NOT go bald. other than that - congrats on your new healthy lifestyle!
Topic: RE: I'm new and struggling prior to surgery
All I can say is... STICK WITH IT! YOU CAN DO IT! I didn't really struggle with this, but I can tell you what worked for me. LOW-CARB Slimfast (creamy chocolate). they have 20g of protein and 11 oz. Before seeking out RNY, I was already drinking Slimfast Optima, and the change was hard at first. I had to mix the two for a couple of days till I could go straight w/ the low-carb. Now I'm hooked! Also, the last two days, when it was JUST liquids, I heated up some chx broth and beef broth (the chx was definitely better) The best was going out for chinese and having egg drop soup. CAUTION: you CANNOT have it after surgery! I tried and had a horrible dumping experience! So if you like it, have it now! Stay in touch - I'm going to try to add you as a friend (I'm new to all this myself - had RNY on Sept. 4th) Good luck - and HANG IN THERE! DON'T GIVE UP! IT IS SOOOOO WORTH IT! I'll plan on meeting you on the Loser's Bench!
Topic: RE: I'm new and struggling prior to surgery
Boxed Broth (much better than canned)
Homemade Broth (better than boxed)
Strained Soups (Wonton from take out Chinese is yummy)
SF Popsicles
Protein Drinks (I have recipes in my blog )
Popsicles made from Protein Drinks
Best of Luck. It is soooooo worth it.
Topic: I'm new and struggling prior to surgery
I'm in my 6th day of the liquid diet prior to Surgery 09/26/07. I'm really struggling! I didn't realize how addicted I am to putting something in my mouth. I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on variety. Is there any easy way of getting through it without losing your mind? Wendy
Topic: RE: Surgery on September 26th - YEAH!
Good luck, Angela! I hear that all doctors have different rules about pre-op eating. Or maybe it has something to do with how much weight the person has to lose - I don't know. All I know is that I am feeling better than I usually do. I'm not eating any crap, any carbs, just fruit in the smoothies, a few veggies, like tomatoes in my soup, and lots of protein in the form of powder. I definitely miss the actual chewing - I love to eat, and until this past February I was a closet smoker. I had to quit in order for my surgeon to even meet with me, and now I've been ciggie free for 6 months! I am very proud of that. The next thing I have to do is get moving - walking, lifting, etc. I'm excited to be looking ahead to a healthy future.
Keep in touch.
Topic: Three Years and 230 lbs later
I can't believe it's almost three years since my surgery. I haven't been on here in almost a year. I just felt like posting and saying hello and letting all you guys know that this surgery has been so worth it. I'm still losing a little every month. I still get full really fast. i still can't eat certain things. For instance, wedding cake or really anything real sweet. Cheesecake also does me in big time. I can tolerate maybe one bite and actually that does fine for me. I have found that I go in cycles with what I want to eat. I pretty much just go with what I really want to eat as long as I know it's not going to do my system in too badly. I'm very glad that my body says, "No" about certain things. For instance we went to a buffet for lunch on Sunday. I don't get my money's worth at any buffet any more. I took a full plate and ate only a bite of each thing. Except I ate 1 1/2 corn muffins and several popcorn shrimp. When I go out to eat, I usually take at least half if not more home with me or give it to my husband or son. At least then I feel like I've gotten what I paid for! It is a great feeling though to be full when you only eat a bite of everything. I say this because it was a real concern for me when I was preop. I was afraid I'd want to eat everything in site but my body wouldn't let me and I would be stressed all the time about that. Not so. When my body says stop, my head goes right along. Prior to eating, I may think I can eat more and so take bigger helpings. But I never eat it and don't want to. When I'm full I'm full and I stop.
This was definitely the best decision I ever made. I've had some issues with constipation and diarrhea. I've also had esophagus spasms. I also need my arms done and a tummy tuck. I got a price of $10,400 to get it done. I guess I'm not ready to fork that over. The doc is going to try and push the tummy tuck through insurance but he said he was 99% sure it would not happen. I don't have the rashes or anything so he doesn't have much to pitch to the insurance.
I guess the best thing is that I fit in regular chairs, regular seats at the movie theater and can buy regular size clothes. Also, I no longer feel like I'm the largest person in the room.
If you are pre surgery or just have had surgery and you have any questions, feel free to email me. I'd be glad to tell you my experience. Good luck on your journey.
Topic: RE: my surgery date is sept, 24 @ Kaiser in Fremont, California!
Hi my surgey date is the same as yours, GOOD LUCK to you and see you on the losers side