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Gina A.
on 9/6/13 12:25 am
Topic: RE: Six years later....How are we doing??


I saw that your were going to do the "Pre Op" Diet!  How did that go for you?  I am as well starting to inch back up!  Need to stop that quick:)

I had surgery in January 2007.  I had my second child in August of 2008!  I felt awesome!  Since then I have had a couple of iron infusions.  I swear everytime  I have one I gain a miniumum of 10lbs! 

Any way.  I started today on the 5 day pouch test!  I think I have let my head get in my way. 


Hope you are doing well.


Oh weight...So I went from 270, down to 140....Now I am at 175 and this is just in the past month - month in a half!!!


Tawnya Z.
on 4/1/13 6:35 am - Brentwood, TN
Topic: RE: Six years later....How are we doing??

Hi Jen,

I am right there with you on this one. I had surgery in Sept of 2007 and did great for many years, but have been so stressed out for the last 2 years that I have slowed slipped into bad habits and mindless "munching". I too had a great surgery and great recovery going from 404 lb to 159 lb and slowly I have slipped up to 222, I was horrified  when I realized that my BMI said I was obese! I have started on the pre-op diet for the next two week hoping to "jump start" my weight loss and get myself back under control.I went back to my food diaries from 2007-2010. Yes, I monitored everything for 3 years and realized that during the summer of 2010 I stopped, that is also the summer I started the PhD program, hence my stress. I have 15 hour and 1 damned dissertation left to write and I will be a monkey's auntie if I am going to be the old me when I get that final cap and gown. Finally, in the last year, I have moved and started a new high stress job with over a 2.5 hour commute daily meaning I haven't had time to exercise. I do not have any advice except that we need to "stick together" and help each other without being embarrassed about the failures and successes that we have had. I do hope to visit the boards more often, as I haven't visited since 2010 either. Hoping we can be board recovery friends and help support each other through this difficult phase.  

"I thank thee, O my God, for all the graces thou hast bestowed on me."                     St. Therese of Lisieux

Jen D.
on 1/24/13 11:22 am - Central, FL
Topic: Six years later....How are we doing??

I haven't checked this board in years.  I'm sad to admit that.  This board was integral in getting me to choose my VSG, and was crucial to my success in losing 70 pounds.  I went from 263 on surgery day to 193 a year later.  Weight has been slowly creeping up since 2008.  I'm now at 218 and working every day to keep from going any higher.  Most of my gain I attribute to failed fertility treatments in 2009-2010, and the adoption of my son who has a sleep disorder.  I've been sleeping about 6 hours a night for the last 3 years, with very little exercise.   

Trying to get back on a plan that will work.  I don't really feel restriction any more.  I still eat less than most people I know, but not as little as it used to be.  I eat a lot of "slider" foods to get around my sleeve.  Chocolate and chips are probably my worst and most regular vices.  Shameful.

I hate to feel like I'm squandering the gift of my sleeve.  I had a dream surgery and recovery.  Nary a side effect--except a couple of embarrassing dumping and gas incidents in public fairly early on.  Wishing I could get back to that honeymoon phase and really use my sleeve the way it was intended.  Anyone have any advice on that?


Jen D.

PreVSG/PostVSG:  263/193

Restart/Current/Goal:  235/228/160

on 4/25/12 9:35 pm - halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: 9/15 Hernia Repair, Abdominal Reconstruction & Tummy Tuck
hi I am so happy you are haveing this done keep in tuch with us and let us know how things are going I have the same thing as you all do I was 317 pounds in june of last year I had gastrobypass and lost 98 pounds and I have a hudge hurnia comeing out if belly to it's so painfull but I went to see the doc for my one year visit and he to said the only way to get rid of the hurnia is to have a tummy tuck to get rid of all the skyn that is brakeing the hurnia open I go in oct of this year to have myne as I still have to loose 60 to 70 more pounds but already I am scared to death so you will be a big help to me hang in there and you have a great recovery you will see it will be worth it in the end:)
on 11/28/11 10:50 pm - Bryan, TX
Topic: Over 4 years out!
So how is everyone doing with their surgery now that we're "oldtimers" with 4 years of experience?

I went from 367 to 206 and now weigh 230. I'm dealing with the death of my Dad and lack of exercise because of putting my children's needs first (and my need for sleep). It's time to quit hi"bear"nating and get moving before I take my kids to school at 6:30 am.

My goal is that by my birthday (May 12th), I'll be down to 205. Yes, that's still "obese", but it's a heck of a lot healthier than I was at 367; especially since I'm only 5'0.5" tall now. My diabetes is starting to creep back (sugars are still only 100 but they've been inching up from the 80s about 2 years ago). My A1c is still only 5.5%, so I'm doing ok in the long-term. My cholesterol and triglycerides are creeping up also. The answer is, of course, get back to exercising and be more careful about what I eat and how I eat.

on 9/23/10 11:13 pm - Sevierville, TN
Topic: RE: Checking in with all the September 2007 babies!
Love this, my name is Jen I had surgery 9/17/07- so yes 3 years out now. I am am staying at about 140lb. though if i could stay off the sliders I am sure I would be able to drop back to the mid 130's (that is where i feel the best).
I could not be happier with my choice to do the RNY surgery. I have had no regrets (unles I over eat-lol). Exercise I try to do a few times a week. Would love to make myself be more comitted to a minimm of 5 days a week (working on it). Would love to find support group but can not find any in my neck of the woods. Nashville is closest one and that is a bit to far to travel. Love having a reflection I dont want to run from in the mirror.


on 9/2/10 2:33 am
Sariah F.
on 8/2/10 3:28 am - Goose Creek, SC
Topic: RE: How are you all doing two and a half years later?
 I had RNY in Sept 2007 and lost 140 ish pounds. In April of 2009 I gave birth to twin boys, I did great during my pregnancy with them and 2 weeks post partem I was 186lb.  Then we had a surprise pregnancy and baby boy #4 joined us in May of this year.  I am now up to 236lbs and feel like a failure.  With 4 boys under the age of 4 I can't get out much, my husband is in Guam and I just want to crawl in a hole.  

I need motivation but I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Marisa A.
on 4/12/10 1:01 pm
Topic: How are you all doing two and a half years later?
I had VSG in September of 2007, I went from 235 to 156, and almost achieved my goal weight. 10 months post op I became pregnant with my beautiful little girl. After I had her in March 2009, I dropped a lot of weight fairly quickly and have put a lot of it on since. I´m now around 180.

I was wondering how any of you deal with setbacks.

Thanks for any comments you might have.
      Highest weight 235           Lowest Weight 156   Post-Partum Weight 194
                          Gorgeous baby girl born somewhere in the middle!
Tomi D.
on 1/6/10 1:13 pm - Hillsboro, OR
Topic: RE: Being way to hard on myself???
I totally get it! I can't affor the plastics and the skin is crazy! I still feel like another 10-15lbs would be great and still think I look chunky in pics until I look at my before pics...then I have no complaints...but yeah sometimes that old voice gets in...((HUGS))

Happily Shrinking Lady Here!!! Woot-woot!

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