How Much Fill Do you Have?
I got my band in Mexico on September 3rd and I've had 3 fills since then (Nov/Dec/Jan). I have the 11cc band and right now I have about 6.75cc's in it, but I still don't feel a whole lot of restriction. I mean, I eat less, but not much less. I can still eat more than I think I should. My fill doctor says he's not comfortable putting much more in, but I haven't really lost that much, in fact, I've lost nothing since my last fill.
Starting: 248
2 weeks after surgery: 230
Today: 227.5
So really, I think I'm just down like 3 pounds because we all know right after surgery it's super fast coming off. Mine just really slowed down!

Right there with ya!!
Pre-op 279
Surgery 264 (9/21/07)
First Fill Nove 15 (3 ccs I think)
2nd fill Dec 17 (no idea on how many ccs)
Today 243 (1/26/08)
I've only had two fills due to some complications early on.
I'm with you on not feeling like the band is limiting me. My roomie had gastric a long time ago, and she is constantly surprised that I can eat "so much!"
Now,...when she says "so much" is an example:
I can eat like a 1/4 baked chicken plus fruit cup plus a couple of bites of mashed potatoes....and the only reason I stop eating, is because I know I need to....not because my lap band is stopping me.
I guess it's time to get with my doc to get his input!