What did you loose in 2007?
Hello Sept. Surgery Buddies. Happy New Year.
I thought I would start a post to see who would respond, just for fun.
You can list whatever it is that you feel like you have as far as losses for 2007. The list can contain pounds, bad habbits. bad foods or any good good habits you have found along the way.
I am Jackie and had RNY on 9/25 I have:
Total of 80 pounds, 40 post-op
My triple chin
Obsession with food
My size 22, 20, 18 clothing
My role of being responsible for holding the couch in place
I am off my High blood pressuremeds. and high cholesterol meds.
Lost my need to have my car drive through drive-thru's
Loosing weight before surgery made for a great recovery
Following the rules does work. Protein is my friend I do best with 2 shakes a day.
Water was difficult immed.post-op, but it is so nice now to be able to take a nice big drink.
I really need to exercise.......and it won't kill me..and I feel better
I love clothes even more than before.
I feel more at peace with everything.
I don't dump, but wish I did. But know I still have to have control
In 2007, I lost a total of 67 pounds, 24 preop and 43 postop (RNY 9/17/07). I bought my first pair of pants in a regular size (16) last week. That's a "Misses 16," not a "Plus 16!" I've been in plus sizes for about 20 years, so that was a huge WOW moment for me. More importantly, I lost the blood pressure medication, knee pain, back pain and prediabetes. I also lost my desire to hide under a rock where no one could see me because I was so self-conscious about the way I looked
Happy New Year!

I lost a total of 64 pounds; 24 pre-op and 40 post-op (9/11/07). I lost low self-esteem and lack of energy and gained many blessings from God.
I reached my first goal of 199 pounds and a size large clothes instead of a 3XL.
I was actually called skinny for the first time in over 20 years.
I'm looking forward to many positive changes in my life in 2008. God is so good!
I know that I will reach my ultimate goal- 140 pounds by my birthday July 27th.
A Blessed New Year To All Of My Weight Loss Sisters And Brothers!
Mary Ward
I lost over 80lbs (well as of 12/21 I was down 80lbs). I lost over 6 inches of hair, since I cut it all off. I no longer take my diabetes medication. I lost the use of my walker and cane.
I found my mobility. I found that I don't miss the foods the way I thought I would. I found out that I'm stronger than I thought. I found the surgery does work because I think of food now as nutrition. I found out that I don't ever want to know if I'm going to dump on sugar or high fat foods, so I avoid them and haven't even been tempted to sample those types of foods.
I found out I'm a pretty good dominioes player on pogo.com, for the times when I need to distract myself at home from grazing.
What did I lose in 2007?
In 2007, I hit my highest weight ever -- 367 lbs. I lost 96 of those pounds in 2007.
I lost the need to take medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and migraines.
I found that I can get up at 5:30 am every single work day and drag my ass to the pool to exercise in the water for 45 minutes -- and I feel like crap if I don't do it.
I found that I can stop eating after just a few bites. If I don't, my pouch reminds me of why I should have.
I found that taking my calcium, vitamins, and Prevacid is harder than I thought it would be and have had to be creative in ways to remind myself that I must take them daily!
I found that I can be more involved in activities with my children because I'm not in constant pain and looking for a chair to sit down.
I'm looking forward to the rest of 2008. I hope to lose another 140 lbs this year and regain even more mobility.