Hi all! This is my first time posting on this forum, so HI! Now, on to business
I had surgery september 10th. I don't know how much I've lost because I refuse to buy a scale. I know myself and I KNOW ill freak at every pound NOT lost. So until my 3 months visit, I won't know..but anyway my question is, what are u guys able to honestly eat, now? I can eat anything that I want(well truthfully, I haven't ventured out much food wise). But I'm just curious as to what u all can eat? Does it seem like before, just n smaller portions? Or are u really restricted now?
I'm curious, fill me in!

I can really eat just about anything I want. I try to avoid eating too much bread, so I pick most of it off of my sandwiches. I also try to avoid sugar, but when I have had it, I didn't have a problem. I have eaten some red velvet cake with a very small amount of icing on it, and I have had a piece of a giant chocolate chip cookie with icing on it. I try to get protein in first when I eat, but I tend to gravitate towards carbs. I did get kind of nauseous when I ate some italian beef, but I had eaten really fast. I do have a problem eating too fast. I don't know what it will take for me to be able to eat as slowly as I need to. Does anyone have a suggestion for eating slowly?
Thank GAWD I'm not alone! I can eat regular foods (I also had to start eating slow..depending on what it is. It can take me about 45 minutes 2 eat!) I just can't eat in abundance. Now, I do have a problem with sugar, so I avoid it at all cost. I use a sugar substitue or nothing at all. But thank u sooooooo much for your input, I needed to hear dat I am not abnormal as far as eating goes!
I had my surgery on 9/10 also. I have not weighed myself either. My doctor wants me to focus on how I feel, not depend on what the scale says. As far as food, I am not on a restricted diet (liquid diet, soft food), I can eat whatever I want within reason, but I haven't. My pouch does not like beef, so its been chicken and tuna, egg beaters that I mostly eat. I have added some fruit and soft veggies into my diet now. I have not been tempted to eat foods with lots of sugars (I try to stay at 5 grams or less per serving) and I don't eat bread. I measure my food (4ozs) and am satisfied with that. Also, my picky pouch does not like hot food. I will vomit if I eat food freshly cooked from the stove. It either has to be cold or room temperture.
Wow, thanks 4 the response! Well, I haven't tried beef and was going to call and see if I could introduce fruit into my diet now. I know the sugar content is wayyyyy high in some fruits, but I'd kill for a darn grape! You're perfect! You measure ur food?? Lol...j/k...I've never measured my food...my body just has that magical way of letting me know when I can't eat another bite...so I stop. Yeeeaaahhhhh, I'm not the only 1 NOT weighing themeselves!

I can pretty much eat the exact same way as before the surgery. I'll admit, I've had sweets like cake and OMG, those mini-halloween chocolate bars, but no problems. I've eaten lots of food too, like at regular meals. So yesterday I got my first fill and I'm hoping this will all change.
But I went out for Mexican one night and ate enchiladas with beans, rice, and salad (not all of it, but definitely more than 1/2). My weight loss stalled for a bit, but I'm hoping after my fill I will be back on track.

Fruit is ok, it's added sugar that you need to watch out for. Now with that said, I wouldn't eat a ton of fruit, but a little bit, go for it! (This is the response I got from my NUT asking the same thing).
I'm going to re-post from a previous response on the Diet& Nutrition Forum:
Here's my sugar primer
"sugar" Describes molecules called monosaccharides or disaccharides. The mono (one) -saccharides are glucose, fructose and galactose. These molecules can bind together to form the Di (two) - saccharides sucrose (table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), or maltose (starch by-product). Glucose is the most important of this bunch, as it is the primary fuel our bodies run on. Put a bunch of these molecules together and you make starches. Put even more of them together and you make fiber. All of these substances are carbohydrates - the only variable is how complex the molecule is.
That's the background - starches, sugars, fiber are all made up of the same basic molecules. The deal with sugar is
1. it may make you dump
2. it provides a concentrated source of energy that is well absorbed and can ruin your daily goals for calories very quickly.
But sugars are a basic part of some foods - most fruits have a high sugar content (fructose) and milk has a relatively high level of milk sugar (lactose). These are foods that also deliver key nutrients such as calcium and B vitamins.
I think the bottom line is, seek to keep within your carbohydrate goals for the day (Your RD should help you set these goals). Try to choose foods that are low in 'added' sugar (added as an ingredient, not naturally occurring). Recognize that some foods come with sugar and vitamins/minerals/fiber and these should be your choice for meeting your daily carb goals.
I hope this clears it up a little!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
Hey there. I am addicted to my scale and really wished I didn't own it, because I stress over every pound. I'm going to make someone go bury it somewhere.
I had my rny on 9/18 and am now cleared to eat whatever I can (as long as I get my protein in). The doctor said I should be forming into about 3 meals a day..but I still have to eat all day long to get all the protein.
I know some people won't like to hear this, but I have something sweet every day. Sugar doesn't bother me...and my Maltese grandma always had a little dessert with every meal, and I guess it's just ingrained in me. I don't do it with every meal, but I have something sweet each day. Sometimes it's a fat free fudge pop, sometimes a small slurpee, It doesn't equal out to much at all, but I don't feel deprived.
Beef usually bothers me. It just seems to sit really heavy. I also have had a problem with all things chinese food (which sucks because I love chinese food) and of course white carbs like bread/pasta/rice. I eat a LOT of cottage cheese and salsa.
Also eggs. I can't handle them now after surgery, and I LOVED them before. They always make me puke, and violently. So I've stopped trying.
If I eat too fast, I'll vomit, this is really hard for me to adjust.