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Topic: RE: 4/2/07 Monday Weigh in
The scale moved
Consult weight 275
Surgery Weight 265
Last week 180
This week 176
Diff: 4 lbs.
99 lbs pre
89 lbs post

Topic: RE: 4/2/07 Monday Weigh in
Consult wt. 245
Surgery wt. 235
Last week wt. 167
this week wt. 165
loss since surgery 70lbs
over all loss total 80 lbs..
Good luck everyone!
Topic: RE: 4/2/07 Monday Weigh in
Awful eating week !
Consult - 316
Surgery - 280
Last week - 195
this week - 195
Difference - 0
Total loss - 121
I need to stop emotional eating. That is my goal for this week, and the rest of my life !
Topic: 4/2/07 Monday Weigh in
Happy Spring everyone.....
It's Monday and weigh in time, I had a good week,
hope that you all did as well.....
Consult Wt. 278
Surgery Wt. 278
Last week wt. 206
This week wt. 201
Difference: -5 lbs
Total loss 77
I am getting all my water in and I think that is helping....
Our thoughts go out to Jamie and her family
see you all next week

Topic: RE: I need help!!! 4/2/07 weigh in
Jamie, you are welcome, take care and dont worry....
I am here to help for as long as you need.....
God Bless you and your Family...
Topic: RE: Iron
Hi Amy
Thank you i do not take my iron with my calcium and I have taken vitamin C with it or drank oj but not helping so I go into tomorrow to see a blood specialest so well see wish me luck.... Thanks again amy....
Topic: RE: Iron
I also have low iron and was told not to take my multi or my iron with my calcium.Something about the iron and calciun can't absorb together.
I was also told that vit c will help with the absorbtion of Iron. Couldn't hurt to ask at your next visit. Hope that helps. Amy

Topic: RE: I need help!!! 4/2/07 weigh in
thanks Ren for your help... I am unsure as to when I will be back... tell everyone I am sorry... and that I wish them all good luck, I know that everyone will do an outstanding job....