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Topic: RE: Dumping Syndrome
I have started having it a lot now too. It's mostly been on allowed foods and stuff that I never dumped on before. I had one horrendous dump at 6 or 7 weeks out that was extremely painful and lasted 5 was enough to have my surgeon paged at home on a friday night! I have mostly had mild dumps, but a couple weeks ago, I ate something I shouldnt have (thanks to my oh so cute little 3 year old nephew) and I dumped for 13 wasnt horrible, but enough to keep me from going into work on time the next day.
Topic: RE: Tailbone Pain
I so feel your pain !!! I can not sit on the computer without shifting! My husband teases me and says I have a TAIL ! I do. Please someone give us some help : (
Topic: RE: 4/16/2007 Monday Weigh in
Consult 316
Surgery 280
Last week 192
this week 190.5
Difference - 1.5
Total 125.5 pds lost !!!
Topic: RE: 4/16/2007 Monday Weigh in
surgery day 288.8
last week 193.6
today 190.4
have a good week
Topic: RE: 4/16/2007 Monday Weigh in
I bought a scale so now I can join in.
Consult weight 300
Surgery weight 275
Last week weight 204
This week weight 198
Difference -6 pounds
Total loss 102 pounds
Woo-hoo, I made it to ONEderland and the Century Club.
Happy losing,

Topic: 4/16/2007 Monday Weigh in
Here we are, another Monday
Consult Wt. 278
Surgery Wt. 278
Last week wt. 201
This week wt. 199
Difference: -2 lbs
Total loss 79
I DID IT !!!!!! I made it to the 100's I'm so HAPPY
Hope that you all had a geat week
see next Monday

Topic: RE: Tailbone Pain
I too am having this Issue, mine started about 3 years ago when I did Medifast and lost alot of weight i then went off Medifast and gained the weight back and with the weight back on my pain went away for the most part but now that I have had surgery the pain is back, I can't sit for a long period of time and if I do I can't move, not sure what it is or what to do about it I just think that our poor little tail bone is not used to us sitting on it....LOL
Topic: Tailbone Pain
I'm sure others have experienced this, but I have to bring it up. Since I have lost weight I have this pain in my tailbone when I sit. Other than sitting on a pillow or innertube what else can I do to help with this issue?

Topic: Dumping Syndrome
Since we are all about 7 months post-op I was wondering if any of you have experienced a severe case of Dumping syndrome? It has started for me in about the last week or so. Sometimes I can't even make it through a meal and I have to run to the bathroom.
A friend of mine told me about an OTC drug called Digestive Advantage. Any thoughts?????

Topic: RE: Does anyone else have low blood pressure?
I've been drinking lots of water and taking in lots of fluids. I am also taking my vitamin twice a day. My diet is really good (making sure I have my protein in). I went to PCP this week and he thinks that I made not have enough salt in my diet and maybe it could be my medication. ???? So, I was told to cut my meds in half and put more salt on my food. I'll try that for now but I have an appt. next week with my surgeon. We'll see what my surgeon will say.
7 months post op and have lost 93 lbs since my surgery and 103 lbs. since this time last year.
Thank you all for the info. and I will keep up to date