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Topic: RE: Finally, a date!
Hi Jody...I have my surgery with Dr. Moazzez on Sept. we should be at the hospital at the same time...when I'm up walking around I'll come visit...we can be surgery buddies...and September losers
...Let me know what you think...Elisa
Topic: RE: APROVAL AND A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats !!! i know the feeling i got my date too, for the 11th of september i am so happy but i am also scared, i sound a little mixed up dont i,, well i hope you have a safe an speedy recovery
Topic: RE: Approved, Date Scheduled, and Waiting.......
Congrats on your date !! I am having surgery on Sept 20th!! Hopefully as time draws near people will post more to this board. I feel alone!
Topic: Approved, Date Scheduled, and Waiting.......
I got my date finally. I will be having surgery on September 11th. What a day! But all is in God's hands and I have faith that all will go well. I wish the same for everyone here awaiting surgery.
Topic: RE: My date is September 11th 2006
HI Michelle,
My name is Tara and I just got my date for surgery as well. I am also having surgery on 9/11. I am scared but also know that everything is in GOD's hands. You will be fine and I will say a prayer for you as well.
Topic: RE: My date is September 11th 2006
Hey Sheryl I have the same date as you September 20th!!!!! Yah
Topic: RE: is it just me?
I wish you well on your upcoming surgery.
I'm an OH addict so if you ever want to chat I'll be around,
I have surgery in Sept as well.
Topic: RE: My date is September 11th 2006
I wish you all well, and God Bless You during your surgeries!
Topic: RE: My Date is Sept 28th 2006
I have the same question as you....what to do? what to do? I was told to scrap book and clean my house, I wish you well!
God Bless
Topic: RE: HELP!! Feeling alone
I have 4 kids
Reuben 11
Matthew 6
Joshua 2
Sarah 1
And they wear me out
, Mattew just began reading books unassisted, and he wants me to listen ALL DAY! Then Josh wants to smack on him
because he wants us to listen to him make up words and tear pages, I have a small village/zoo